Lena Fleig
Lena Fleig
Professur für Gesundheitspsychologie und Verhaltensmedizin
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Intervention effects of exercise self-regulation on physical exercise and eating fruits and vegetables: a longitudinal study in orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation
L Fleig, S Lippke, S Pomp, R Schwarzer
Preventive medicine 53 (3), 182-187, 2011
Promoting exercise maintenance: How interventions with booster sessions improve long-term rehabilitation outcomes.
L Fleig, S Pomp, R Schwarzer, S Lippke
Rehabilitation Psychology 58 (4), 323, 2013
Positive experience, self‐efficacy, and action control predict physical activity changes: A moderated mediation analysis
L Parschau, L Fleig, M Koring, D Lange, N Knoll, R Schwarzer, S Lippke
British journal of health psychology 18 (2), 395-406, 2013
From intentions via planning and behavior to physical exercise habits
L Fleig, S Pomp, L Parschau, M Barz, D Lange, R Schwarzer, S Lippke
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (5), 632-639, 2013
Health behaviour change theory meets falls prevention: Feasibility of a habit-based balance and strength exercise intervention for older adults
L Fleig, MM McAllister, P Chen, J Iverson, K Milne, HA McKay, L Clemson, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 22, 114-122, 2016
Cross-behavior associations and multiple health behavior change: A longitudinal study on physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake
L Fleig, C Küper, S Lippke, R Schwarzer, AU Wiedemann
Journal of health psychology 20 (5), 525-534, 2015
Defining and implementing patient-centered care: An umbrella review
S Grover, A Fitzpatrick, FT Azim, P Ariza-Vega, P Bellwood, J Burns, ...
Patient education and counseling 105 (7), 1679-1688, 2022
‘Sticking to a healthy diet is easier for me when I exercise regularly’: Cognitive transfer between physical exercise and healthy nutrition
L Fleig, R Kerschreiter, R Schwarzer, S Pomp, S Lippke
Psychology & health 29 (12), 1361-1372, 2014
Exercise maintenance after rehabilitation: How experience can make a difference
L Fleig, S Lippke, S Pomp, R Schwarzer
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12 (3), 293-299, 2011
Habit formation following routine‐based versus time‐based cue planning: A randomized controlled trial
J Keller, D Kwasnicka, P Klaiber, L Sichert, P Lally, L Fleig
British Journal of Health Psychology 26 (3), 807-824, 2021
Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Patterns in Older Adults After Hip Fracture: A Call to Action.
L Fleig, MM McAllister, P Brasher, WL Cook, P Guy, JH Puyat, KM Khan, ...
Journal of aging and physical activity 24 (1), 79-84, 2016
Patient perspectives on engagement in recovery after hip fracture: a qualitative study
J Sims-Gould, S Stott-Eveneshen, L Fleig, M McAllister, MC Ashe
Journal of aging research 2017, 2017
Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised in six European countries
M Fernandes-Jesus, F Beccaria, J Demant, L Fleig, I Menezes, U Scholz, ...
Addictive behaviors 62, 91-98, 2016
“Life goes on.” Everyday tasks, coping self-efficacy, and independence: Exploring older adults’ recovery from hip fracture
D Langford, N Edwards, SM Gray, L Fleig, MC Ashe
Qualitative health research 28 (8), 1255-1266, 2018
A longitudinal investigation of older adults’ physical activity: Testing an integrated dual-process model
U Arnautovska, L Fleig, F O’Callaghan, K Hamilton
Psychology & Health 32 (2), 166-185, 2017
Positive exercise experience facilitates behavior change via self-efficacy
L Parschau, L Fleig, LM Warner, S Pomp, M Barz, N Knoll, R Schwarzer, ...
Health Education & Behavior 41 (4), 414-422, 2014
Effects of a self-regulation intervention on exercise are moderated by depressive symptoms: A quasi-experimental study
S Pomp, L Fleig, R Schwarzer, S Lippke
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 13 (1), 1-8, 2013
What contributes to action plan enactment? Examining characteristics of physical activity plans
L Fleig, B Gardner, J Keller, S Lippke, S Pomp, AU Wiedemann
British Journal of Health Psychology 22 (4), 940-957, 2017
Validity of a stage algorithm for physical activity in participants recruited from orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation clinics.
S Lippke, L Fleig, S Pomp, R Schwarzer
Rehabilitation Psychology 55 (4), 398, 2010
A computerized lifestyle application to promote multiple health behaviors at the workplace: testing its behavioral and psychological effects
S Lippke, L Fleig, AU Wiedemann, R Schwarzer
Journal of Medical Internet Research 17 (10), e225, 2015
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Articles 1–20