Dario Ferraro
Dario Ferraro
Ricercatore, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova
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High-power collective charging of a solid-state quantum battery
D Ferraro, M Campisi, GM Andolina, V Pellegrini, M Polini
Physical review letters 120 (11), 117702, 2018
Electron quantum optics in ballistic chiral conductors
E Bocquillon, V Freulon, FD Parmentier, JM Berroir, B Plaçais, C Wahl, ...
Annalen der Physik 526 (1-2), 1-30, 2014
Ultrafast charging in a two-photon Dicke quantum battery
A Crescente, M Carrega, M Sassetti, D Ferraro
Physical Review B 102 (24), 245407, 2020
Real-time decoherence of Landau and Levitov quasiparticles in quantum Hall edge channels
D Ferraro, B Roussel, C Cabart, E Thibierge, G Fève, C Grenier, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (16), 166403, 2014
Dissipative dynamics of an open quantum battery
M Carrega, A Crescente, D Ferraro, M Sassetti
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083085, 2020
Charging and energy fluctuations of a driven quantum battery
A Crescente, M Carrega, M Sassetti, D Ferraro
New Journal of Physics 22 (6), 063057, 2020
Wigner function approach to single electron coherence in quantum Hall edge channels
D Ferraro, A Feller, A Ghibaudo, E Thibierge, E Bocquillon, G Fève, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 205303, 2013
Minimal excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime
J Rech, D Ferraro, T Jonckheere, L Vannucci, M Sassetti, T Martin
Physical Review Letters 118 (7), 076801, 2017
Decoherence and relaxation of a single electron in a one-dimensional conductor
A Marguerite, C Cabart, C Wahl, B Roussel, V Freulon, D Ferraro, ...
Physical Review B 94 (11), 115311, 2016
Tunneling between helical edge states through extended contacts
G Dolcetto, S Barbarino, D Ferraro, N Magnoli, M Sassetti
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195138, 2012
IBM quantum platforms: A quantum battery perspective
G Gemme, M Grossi, D Ferraro, S Vallecorsa, M Sassetti
Batteries 8 (5), 43, 2022
Electrical switching and interferometry of massive Dirac particles in topological insulator constrictions
F Romeo, R Citro, D Ferraro, M Sassetti
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 165418, 2012
Characterization of a two-photon quantum battery: Initial conditions, stability and work extraction
A Delmonte, A Crescente, M Carrega, D Ferraro, M Sassetti
Entropy 23 (5), 612, 2021
Crystallization of levitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime
F Ronetti, L Vannucci, D Ferraro, T Jonckheere, J Rech, T Martin, ...
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075401, 2018
Minimal excitation states for heat transport in driven quantum Hall systems
L Vannucci, F Ronetti, J Rech, D Ferraro, T Jonckheere, T Martin, ...
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245415, 2017
Charge tunneling in fractional edge channels
D Ferraro, A Braggio, N Magnoli, M Sassetti
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 085323, 2010
Anomalous Charge Tunneling in Fractional Quantum Hall Edge States <?format ?>at a Filling Factor
M Carrega, D Ferraro, A Braggio, N Magnoli, M Sassetti
Physical Review Letters 107 (14), 146404, 2011
Non-Abelian BF theory for 2+ 1 dimensional topological states of matter
A Blasi, A Braggio, M Carrega, D Ferraro, N Maggiore, N Magnoli
New Journal of Physics 14 (1), 013060, 2012
Electronic Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry in two-dimensional topological insulators
D Ferraro, C Wahl, J Rech, T Jonckheere, T Martin
Physical Review B 89 (7), 075407, 2014
Single quasiparticle and electron emitter in the fractional quantum Hall regime
D Ferraro, J Rech, T Jonckheere, T Martin
Physical Review B 91 (20), 205409, 2015
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Articles 1–20