Scott Morgan
Scott Morgan
Bridgend College
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Cited by
Linear stability eigenmodal analysis for steady and temporally periodic boundary-layer flow configurations using a velocity-vorticity formulation
S Morgan, C Davies
Journal of Computational Physics 409, 109325, 2020
Control of stationary convective instabilities in the rotating disk boundary layer via time-periodic modulation
S Morgan, C Davies, C Thomas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 925, A20, 2021
Stability of periodically modulated rotating disk boundary layers
S Morgan
Cardiff University, 2018
Linear impulse response in three-dimensional oscillatory boundary layers formed by periodic modulation of a rotating disk
S Morgan, C Davies, C Thomas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 949, A35, 2022
MyCompanion: a digital social companion for assisted living
F Loizides, KE Jones, D Abbasi, C Cardwell, I Jones, LD Turner, ...
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Stability of oscillatory rotating-disk boundary layers
S Morgan, C Davies
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, F23. 003, 2017
Numerical simulations of disturbance development on a rotating disk with time-periodic motion
C Thomas, S Morgan, C Davies
Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (23rd: 2022), AFMC2022-113, 2022
Giant genes! The development of an interactive game to engage audiences in genetics
S Morgan, A Randle, R Coombs, E Yhnell
Journal of STEM Outreach 3 (1), 1-5, 2020
Aeroplane wings and rotating disks What’s the difference?
S Morgan
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Articles 1–9