Suzanne C de Janasz
Cited by
Cited by
Empowered to lead: The role of psychological empowerment in leadership
GM Spreitzer, SC De Janasz, RE Quinn
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1999
Multiple mentoring in academe: Developing the professorial network
SC De Janasz, SE Sullivan
Journal of vocational behavior 64 (2), 263-283, 2004
Mentor networks and career success: Lessons for turbulent times
SC De Janasz, SE Sullivan, V Whiting
Academy of Management Perspectives 17 (4), 78-91, 2003
Interpersonal skills in organisations
SC De Janasz, J Crossman, N Campbell, M Power
Learning the art of networking: A critical skill for enhancing social capital and career success
SC de Janasz, ML Forret
Journal of management education 32 (5), 629-650, 2008
Mentoring in the 21st century: Using the internet to build skills and networks
VR Whiting, SC de Janasz
Journal of Management Education 28 (3), 275-293, 2004
The role of e-mentoring in protégés’ learning and satisfaction
SC de Janasz, VM Godshalk
Group & Organization Management 38 (6), 743-774, 2013
Dual sources of support for dual roles: How mentoring and work–family culture influence work–family conflict and job attitudes
S De Janasz, SJ Behson, K Jonsen, MJ Lankau
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (7), 1435-1453, 2013
Perceptions of an organization's culture for work and family: Do mentors make a difference?
M Forret, S de Janasz
Career Development International 10 (6/7), 478-492, 2005
Virtual relationships and real benefits: Using e‐mentoring to connect business students with practicing managers
SC de Janasz, EA Ensher, C Heun
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 16 (4), 394-411, 2008
Family status and work attitudes: An investigation in a professional services firm
S de Janasz, M Forret, D Haack, K Jonsen
British Journal of Management 24 (2), 191-210, 2013
Cognitive capacity for processing work‐family conflict: An initial examination
SC de Janasz, SJ Behson
Career Development International 12 (4), 397-411, 2007
CEOs need mentors too
S de Janasz, M Peiperl
Harvard Business Review 4, 2015
Negotiation & Dispute Resolution
BJ DeMarr, S De Janasz
SAGE Publications, 2018
Using service to transform learning: re‐scripted ABCs for our changing environment
SC de Janasz, VR Whiting
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 17 (1), 60-75, 2009
Work-family integration and segmentation in the gig economy: an exploratory study on Airbnb hosts' experiences
SC de Janasz, S Kim, JA Schneer, NJ Beutell, C Wong
Tourism and hospitality research 23 (1), 60-71, 2023
How women can get what they want in a negotiation
S De Janasz, B Cabrera
Harvard Business Review, 2018
Alternative approaches to mentoring in the new millennium
SC de Janasz
Gender, ethnicity, and race in the workplace 3, 131-147, 2006
Using in-depth interviews in careers research
SC de Janasz, AJ Katz
Handbook of Research Methods in Careers, 255-266, 2021
It's all about day one
S de Janasz, K Van der Graaf, MD Watkins
Harvard business review 91 (6), 98-104, 2013
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20