Claire McLean
Claire McLean
Research Fellow
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Geographic variation in animal colour polymorphisms and its role in speciation
CA McLean, D Stuart‐Fox
Biological Reviews 89 (4), 860-873, 2014
Revealing the Biochemical and Genetic Basis of Color Variation in a Polymorphic Lizard
CA McLean, A Lutz, KJ Rankin, D Stuart-Fox, A Moussalli
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (8), 1924-1935, 2017
Local adaptation and divergence in colour signal conspicuousness between monomorphic and polymorphic lineages in a lizard
CA McLean, A Moussalli, D Stuart‐Fox
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (12), 2654-2664, 2014
Convergence and divergence in lizard colour polymorphisms
D Stuart‐Fox, A Aulsebrook, KJ Rankin, CM Dong, CA McLean
Biological Reviews 96 (1), 289-309, 2021
Environment, but not genetic divergence, influences geographic variation in colour morph frequencies in a lizard
CA McLean, D Stuart-Fox, A Moussalli
BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 1-10, 2015
Spectral sensitivity of cone photoreceptors and opsin expression in two colour-divergent lineages of the lizard Ctenophorus decresii
MS Yewers, CA McLean, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox, ATD Bennett, B Knott
The Journal of experimental biology 218 (10), 1556-1563, 2015
The genetic basis of discrete and quantitative colour variation in the polymorphic lizard, Ctenophorus decresii
KJ Rankin, CA McLean, DJ Kemp, D Stuart-Fox
BMC Evolutionary Biology 16 (1), 1-14, 2016
Phylogeographic structure, demographic history and morph composition in a colour polymorphic lizard
CA McLean, D Stuart‐Fox, A Moussalli
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (10), 2123-2137, 2014
Red carotenoids and associated gene expression explain colour variation in frillneck lizards
CA McLean, A Lutz, KJ Rankin, A Elliott, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1907), 20191172, 2019
The predation cost of female resistance
CA McLean, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox
Behavioral Ecology 21 (4), 861-867, 2010
Rival assessment and comparison of morphological and performance-based predictors of fighting ability in Lake Eyre dragon lizards, Ctenophorus maculosus
CA McLean, D Stuart-Fox
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 523-531, 2015
Taxonomic assessment of the Ctenophorus decresii complex (Reptilia: Agamidae) reveals a new species of dragon lizard from western New South Wales
CA McLean, A Moussalli, S Sass, D Stuart-Fox
Records of the Australian Museum 65 (3), 51-63, 2013
Environmental gradients predict the ratio of environmentally acquired carotenoids to self-synthesised pteridine pigments
D Stuart-Fox, K Rankin, A Lutz, A Elliott, A Hugall, C McLean, I Medina
Ecology Letters 24 (10), 2207–2218, 2021
Do female Lake Eyre dragon lizards adjust courtship rejection behaviour under higher predation risk?
CA McLean, D Stuart-Fox
Behaviour 147 (13), 1803-1818, 2010
Elevation of divergent color polymorphic and monomorphic lizard lineages (Squamata: Agamidae) to species level
CM Dong, GR Johnston, D Stuart-Fox, A Moussalli, KJ Rankin, ...
Ichthyology & Herpetology 109 (1), 43-54, 2021
Divergent male and female mate preferences do not explain incipient speciation between lizard lineages
CA McLean, RA Bartle, CM Dong, KJ Rankin, D Stuart-Fox
Current zoology 66 (5), 485-492, 2020
Space use and genetic structure do not maintain color polymorphism in a species with alternative behavioral strategies
MSC Yewers, D Stuart-Fox, CA McLean
Ecology and Evolution, 2018
When polymorphism and monomorphism meet: discordant genomic and phenotypic clines across a lizard contact zone
CM Dong, CA McLean, A Elliott, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox
bioRxiv, 840678, 2019
Conserved visual sensitivities across divergent lizard lineages that differ in an ultraviolet sexual signal
CM Dong, CA McLean, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox
Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Social interactions generate mutually reinforcing selection for male aggression in Lake Eyre dragons
CA McLean, R Chan, AL Dickerson, A Moussalli, D Stuart-Fox
Behavioral Ecology 27 (4), 1149-1157, 2016
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Articles 1–20