Jian Wu
Jian Wu
在 mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Epidermal electronics
DH Kim, N Lu, R Ma, YS Kim, RH Kim, S Wang, J Wu, SM Won, H Tao, ...
science 333 (6044), 838-843, 2011
Flexible, foldable, actively multiplexed, high-density electrode array for mapping brain activity in vivo
J Viventi, DH Kim, L Vigeland, ES Frechette, JA Blanco, YS Kim, AE Avrin, ...
Nature neuroscience 14 (12), 1599-1605, 2011
Arrays of sealed silicon nanotubes as anodes for lithium ion batteries
T Song, J Xia, JH Lee, DH Lee, MS Kwon, JM Choi, J Wu, SK Doo, ...
Nano letters 10 (5), 1710-1716, 2010
Printed assemblies of inorganic light-emitting diodes for deformable and semitransparent displays
SI Park, Y Xiong, RH Kim, P Elvikis, M Meitl, DH Kim, J Wu, J Yoon, CJ Yu, ...
science 325 (5943), 977-981, 2009
Materials for multifunctional balloon catheters with capabilities in cardiac electrophysiological mapping and ablation therapy
DH Kim, N Lu, R Ghaffari, YS Kim, SP Lee, L Xu, J Wu, RH Kim, J Song, ...
Nature materials 10 (4), 316-323, 2011
Thickness of graphene and single-wall carbon nanotubes
Y Huang, J Wu, KC Hwang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (24), 245413, 2006
Microstructured elastomeric surfaces with reversible adhesion and examples of their use in deterministic assembly by transfer printing
S Kim, J Wu, A Carlson, SH Jin, A Kovalsky, P Glass, Z Liu, N Ahmed, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (40), 17095-17100, 2010
Ultrathin silicon circuits with strain-isolation layers and mesh layouts for high-performance electronics on fabric, vinyl, leather, and paper
DH Kim, YS Kim, J Wu, Z Liu, J Song, HS Kim, YY Huang, KC Hwang, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (36), 2009
Stretchable, transparent graphene interconnects for arrays of microscale inorganic light emitting diodes on rubber substrates
RH Kim, MH Bae, DG Kim, H Cheng, BH Kim, DH Kim, M Li, J Wu, F Du, ...
Nano letters 11 (9), 3881-3886, 2011
Stretchable GaAs photovoltaics with designs that enable high areal coverage
J Lee, J Wu, M Shi, J Yoon, SI Park, M Li, Z Liu, Y Huang, JA Rogers
Advanced Materials 23 (8), 986, 2011
Optimized structural designs for stretchable silicon integrated circuits
DH Kim, Z Liu, YS Kim, J Wu, J Song, HS Kim, Y Huang, K Hwang, ...
small 5 (24), 2841-2847, 2009
Large-area MRI-compatible epidermal electronic interfaces for prosthetic control and cognitive monitoring
L Tian, B Zimmerman, A Akhtar, KJ Yu, M Moore, J Wu, RJ Larsen, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 3 (3), 194-205, 2019
Climbing-inspired twining electrodes using shape memory for peripheral nerve stimulation and recording
Y Zhang, N Zheng, Y Cao, F Wang, P Wang, Y Ma, B Lu, G Hou, Z Fang, ...
Science advances 5 (4), eaaw1066, 2019
Mechanics of epidermal electronics
S Wang, M Li, J Wu, DH Kim, N Lu, Y Su, Z Kang, Y Huang, JA Rogers
Shear-enhanced adhesiveless transfer printing for use in deterministic materials assembly
A Carlson, HJ Kim-Lee, J Wu, P Elvikis, H Cheng, A Kovalsky, S Elgan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (26), 2011
An atomistic-based finite-deformation shell theory for single-wall carbon nanotubes
J Wu, KC Hwang, Y Huang
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (1), 279-292, 2008
Postbuckling analysis and its application to stretchable electronics
Y Su, J Wu, Z Fan, KC Hwang, J Song, Y Huang, JA Rogers
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (3), 487-508, 2012
Stretchable Semiconductor Technologies with High Areal Coverages and StrainLimiting Behavior: Demonstration in HighEfficiency DualJunction GaInP/GaAs Photovoltaics
J Lee, J Wu, JH Ryu, Z Liu, M Meitl, YW Zhang, Y Huang, JA Rogers
Small 8 (12), 1851, 2012
Light emission characteristics and mechanics of foldable inorganic light-emitting diodes
SI Park, AP Le, J Wu, Y Huang, X Li, JA Rogers
Advanced materials 22 (28), 2010
Can a single-wall carbon nanotube be modeled as a thin shell?
J Peng, J Wu, KC Hwang, J Song, Y Huang
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56 (6), 2213-2224, 2008
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