Andrea S. Downing
Andrea S. Downing
Stockholm Resilience Centre
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Challenges and opportunities for integrating lake ecosystem modelling approaches
WM Mooij, D Trolle, E Jeppesen, G Arhonditsis, PV Belolipetsky, ...
Aquatic Ecology 44, 633-667, 2010
A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models
D Trolle, DP Hamilton, MR Hipsey, K Bolding, J Bruggeman, WM Mooij, ...
Hydrobiologia 683, 25-34, 2012
Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective
ABG Janssen, GB Arhonditsis, A Beusen, K Bolding, L Bruce, ...
Aquatic ecology 49, 513-548, 2015
The resilience and resistance of an ecosystem to a collapse of diversity
AS Downing, EH van Nes, WM Mooij, M Scheffer
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e46135, 2012
Priorities and interactions of sustainable development goals (SDGs) with focus on wetlands
F Jaramillo, A Desormeaux, J Hedlund, JW Jawitz, N Clerici, ...
Water 11 (3), 619, 2019
Local lens for SDG implementation: lessons from bottom-up approaches in Africa
A Jiménez-Aceituno, GD Peterson, AV Norström, GY Wong, AS Downing
Sustainability Science 15, 729-743, 2020
Coupled human and natural system dynamics as key to the sustainability of Lake Victoria’s ecosystem services
AS Downing, EH Van Nes, JS Balirwa, J Beuving, POJ Bwathondi, ...
Ecology and Society 19 (4), 2014
Climate driven changes in timing, composition and magnitude of the Baltic Sea phytoplankton spring bloom
O Hjerne, S Hajdu, U Larsson, AS Downing, M Winder
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 482, 2019
Matching scope, purpose and uses of planetary boundaries science
AS Downing, A Bhowmik, D Collste, SE Cornell, J Donges, I Fetzer, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (7), 073005, 2019
Investment in resilient food systems in the most vulnerable and fragile regions is critical
C Queiroz, AV Norström, A Downing, ZV Harmáčková, C De Coning, ...
Nature food 2 (8), 546-551, 2021
Collapse and reorganization of a food web of Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria
AS Downing, EH Van Nes, JH Janse, F Witte, IJM Cornelissen, M Scheffer, ...
Ecological applications 22 (1), 229-239, 2012
Modeling water quality in the Anthropocene: directions for the next-generation aquatic ecosystem models
WM Mooij, D van Wijk, AHW Beusen, RJ Brederveld, M Chang, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 36, 85-95, 2019
Phytoplankton community interactions and environmental sensitivity in coastal and offshore habitats
JR Griffiths, S Hajdu, AS Downing, O Hjerne, U Larsson, M Winder
Oikos 125 (8), 1134-1143, 2016
Hidden treasures: Human-made aquatic ecosystems harbour unexplored opportunities
M Koschorreck, AS Downing, J Hejzlar, R Marcé, A Laas, WG Arndt, ...
Ambio 49 (2), 531-540, 2020
Serving many at once: how a database approach can create unity in dynamical ecosystem modelling
WM Mooij, RJ Brederveld, JJM de Klein, DL DeAngelis, AS Downing, ...
Environmental modelling & software 61, 266-273, 2014
Unlocking the unsustainable rice-wheat system of Indian Punjab: Assessing alternatives to crop-residue burning from a systems perspective
AS Downing, M Kumar, A Andersson, A Causevic, Ö Gustafsson, ...
Ecological Economics 195, 107364, 2022
Quantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitation
A Chrysafi, V Virkki, M Jalava, V Sandström, J Piipponen, M Porkka, ...
Nature Sustainability 5 (10), 830-842, 2022
When the whole is less than the sum of all parts–Tracking global-level impacts of national sustainability initiatives
AS Downing, GY Wong, M Dyer, AP Aguiar, O Selomane, AJ Aceituno
Global Environmental Change 69, 102306, 2021
Advantages of concurrent use of multiple software frameworks in water quality modelling using a database approach
LPA Van Gerven, RJ Brederveld, JJM de Klein, DL DeAngelis, ...
Fundam. Appl. Limnol 186, 5-20, 2015
Was Lates late? A null model for the Nile perch boom in Lake Victoria
AS Downing, N Galic, KPC Goudswaard, EH van Nes, M Scheffer, F Witte, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e76847, 2013
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