Paul de Beer
Paul de Beer
hoogleraar arbeidsverhoudingen, Universiteit van Amsterdam
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Cited by
Sticking together or falling apart?: Solidarity in an era of individualization and globalization
P De Beer, F Koster
Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Over werken in de postindustriële samenleving
PT De Beer
Three worlds of educational welfare states? A comparative study of higher education systems across welfare states
N Willemse, P De Beer
Journal of European Social Policy 22 (2), 105-117, 2012
On worlds of welfare. Institutions and Their Effects in Eleven Welfare States
JM Wildeboer Schut, J Vrooman, P De Beer
Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands, 2001
Het onderste kwart: werk en werkloosheid aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt
PT Beer
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 1996
How individualized are the Dutch?
P De Beer
Current sociology 55 (3), 389-413, 2007
Why work is not a panacea: a decomposition analysis of EU-15 countries
P De Beer
Journal of European Social Policy 17 (4), 375-388, 2007
The disability employment gap in European countries: What is the role of labour market policy?
R Van Der Zwan, P De Beer
Journal of European Social Policy 31 (4), 473-486, 2021
The Labour Market Triangle: Employment Protection, Unemployment Compensation and Activation in Europe
P de Beer, T Schils
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
What explains the union membership gap between migrants and natives?
M Kranendonk, P De Beer
British Journal of Industrial Relations 54 (4), 846-869, 2016
Het hervormingsmoeras van de verzorgingsstaat: veranderingen in de organisatie van de sociale zekerheid
N Van Gestel, P De Beer, M Van der Meer
Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Earnings and income inequality in the EU during the crisis
P De Beer
International Labour Review 151 (4), 313-331, 2012
The impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution in the EU
P De Beer
ETUI Working Paper 2012.01, 2012
Individualisering zit tussen de oren
P Beer
JW Duyvendak en M. Huurenkamp (red.), Kiezen voor de kudde. Lichte …, 2004
Can occupational safety and health problems be prevented or not? Exploring the perception of informal automobile artisans in Nigeria
FJ Afolabi, P de Beer, JA Haafkens
Safety Science 135, 105097, 2021
Labour market shortages in the European Union
D Reymen, M Gerard, P De Beer, A Meierkord, M Paskov, V di Stasio, ...
WIFO Studies, 2015
Wat is het nut van werken?
P Beer
Amsterdams sociologisch tijdschrift 26 (1), 25-57, 1999
Dutch unions in a time of crisis
P De Beer, M Keune
Rough waters European trade unions in a time of crises 221, 2017
Perspectieven voor de laagopgeleiden
P de Beer
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 22 (3), 2006
Measuring welfare state performance: Three or two worlds of welfare capitalism?
P De Beer, C Vrooman, JM Wildeboer Schut
LIS Working Paper Series, 2001
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Articles 1–20