anne Boutet de Monvel
anne Boutet de Monvel
Professeur de Mathématiques, Université de Paris7
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Commutator methods and spectral theory of N-body hamiltonian
WO Amrein, AB de Monvel, V Georgescu
Progress in mathematics 135, 1996
Long-time asymptotics for the Camassa–Holm equation
AB De Monvel, A Kostenko, D Shepelsky, G Teschl
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 41 (4), 1559-1588, 2009
On the statistical mechanics approach in the random matrix theory: integrated density of states
AB De Monvel, L Pastur, M Shcherbina
Journal of statistical physics 79, 585-611, 1995
A boundary value problem related to the Ginzburg-Landau model
AB de Monvel-Berthier, V Georgescu, R Purice
Communications in mathematical physics 142 (1), 1-23, 1991
A Riemann-Hilbert approach for the Degasperis-Procesi equation
AB de Monvel, D Shepelsky
arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.5995, 2011
The mKdV equation on the half-line
AB De Monvel, AS Fokas, D Shepelsky
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 3 (2), 139-164, 2004
Long-time asymptotics for the focusing NLS equation with time-periodic boundary condition on the half-line
AB de Monvel, A Its, V Kotlyarov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 290 (2), 479-522, 2009
Analysis of the global relation for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-line
A Boutet de Monvel, AS Fokas, D Shepelsky
Letters in Mathematical Physics 65, 199-212, 2003
Riemann–Hilbert approach for the Camassa–Holm equation on the line
AB de Monvel, D Shepelsky
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 343 (10), 627-632, 2006
Focusing NLS equation: long-time dynamics of step-like initial data
AB De Monvel, VP Kotlyarov, D Shepelsky
International Mathematics Research Notices 2011 (7), 1613-1653, 2011
Integrable nonlinear evolution equations on a finite interval
AB Monvel, AS Fokas, D Shepelsky
Communications in mathematical physics 263, 133-172, 2006
On the spectral properties of discrete Schrödinger operators: the multi-dimensional case
AB De Monvel, J Sahbani
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 11 (09), 1061-1078, 1999
The short pulse equation by a Riemann–Hilbert approach
A Boutet de Monvel, D Shepelsky, L Zielinski
Letters in Mathematical Physics 107, 1345-1373, 2017
The Ostrovsky-Vakhnenko equation by a Riemann-Hilbert approach
AB de Monvel, D Shepelsky
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.0495, 2013
Asymptotic distribution of smoothed eigenvalue density. II. Wigner random matrices
AB de Monvel, A Khorunzhy
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 7 (2), 149-168, 1999
Painlevé-type asymptotics for the Camassa–Holm equation
AB de Monvel, A Its, D Shepelsky
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 42 (4), 1854-1873, 2010
Dynamical localization for a multi-particle model with an alloy-type external random potential
V Chulaevsky, AB De Monvel, Y Suhov
Nonlinearity 24 (5), 1451, 2011
Long-time asymptotics for the Degasperis–Procesi equation on the half-line
A Boutet de Monvel, J Lenells, D Shepelsky
Annales de l'Institut Fourier 69 (1), 171-230, 2019
Riemann-Hilbert problem in the inverse scattering for the Camassa-Holm equation on the line
AB de Monvel, D Shepelsky
Probability, geometry and integrable systems 55, 53-75, 2008
Initial boundary value problem for the mKdV equation on a finite interval
A Boutet de Monvel, D Shepelsky
Annales de l'institut Fourier 54 (5), 1477-1495, 2004
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