Dr Mark A Robinson
Dr Mark A Robinson
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Vector field statistical analysis of kinematic and force trajectories
TC Pataky, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem
Journal of biomechanics 46 (14), 2394-2401, 2013
Training load monitoring in team sports: a novel framework separating physiological and biomechanical load-adaptation pathways
J Vanrenterghem, NJ Nedergaard, MA Robinson, B Drust
Sports medicine 47, 2135-2142, 2017
Zero-vs. one-dimensional, parametric vs. non-parametric, and confidence interval vs. hypothesis testing procedures in one-dimensional biomechanical trajectory analysis
TC Pataky, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson
Journal of biomechanics 48 (7), 1277-1285, 2015
The effect of running speed on knee mechanical loading in females during side cutting
J Vanrenterghem, E Venables, T Pataky, MA Robinson
Journal of biomechanics 45 (14), 2444-2449, 2012
Region-of-interest analyses of one-dimensional biomechanical trajectories: bridging 0D and 1D theory, augmenting statistical power
TC Pataky, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem
PeerJ 4, e2652, 2016
The probability of false positives in zero-dimensional analyses of one-dimensional kinematic, force and EMG trajectories
TC Pataky, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson
Journal of biomechanics 49 (9), 1468-1476, 2016
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) for alpha-based statistical analyses of multi-muscle EMG time-series
MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem, TC Pataky
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (1), 14-19, 2015
Mechanical Player Load™ using trunk-mounted accelerometry in football: Is it a reliable, task-and player-specific observation?
P Barreira, MA Robinson, B Drust, N Nedergaard, RMF Raja Azidin, ...
Journal of sports sciences 35 (17), 1674-1681, 2017
Measuring biomechanical loads in team sports–from lab to field
J Verheul, NJ Nedergaard, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson
Science and Medicine in Football 4 (3), 246-252, 2020
The relationship between whole-body external loading and body-worn accelerometry during team-sport movements
NJ Nedergaard, MA Robinson, E Eusterwiemann, B Drust, PJ Lisboa, ...
International journal of sports physiology and performance 12 (1), 18-26, 2017
Solutions for representing the whole-body centre of mass in side cutting manoeuvres based on data that is typically available for lower limb kinematics
J Vanrenterghem, D Gormley, M Robinson, A Lees
Gait & posture 31 (4), 517-521, 2010
Multidimensional ground reaction forces and moments from wearable sensor accelerations via deep learning
WR Johnson, A Mian, MA Robinson, J Verheul, DG Lloyd, JA Alderson
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (1), 289-297, 2020
Can two-dimensional measured peak sagittal plane excursions during drop vertical jumps help identify three-dimensional measured joint moments?
B Dingenen, B Malfait, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson, ...
The Knee 22 (2), 73-79, 2015
Gait kinematics of subjects with ankle instability using a multisegmented foot model
R De Ridder, T Willems, J Vanrenterghem, M Robinson, T Pataky, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 45 (11), 2129-2136, 2013
Multi-segment foot landing kinematics in subjects with chronic ankle instability
R De Ridder, T Willems, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson, T Palmans, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 30 (6), 585-592, 2015
Effects of treadmill versus overground soccer match simulations on biomechanical markers of anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in side cutting
RMF Raja Azidin, S Sankey, B Drust, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem
Journal of sports sciences 33 (13), 1332-1341, 2015
How reliable are lower limb kinematics and kinetics during a drop vertical jump?
B Malfait, S Sankey, RM Firhad Raja Azidin, K Deschamps, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 46 (4), 678-685, 2014
Impact of knee modeling approach on indicators and classification of ACL injury risk
MA Robinson, CJ Donnelly, J Tsao, J Vanrenterghem
Med Sci Sports Exerc 46, 1269-1276, 2013
Vector field statistics for objective center-of-pressure trajectory analysis during gait, with evidence of scalar sensitivity to small coordinate system rotations
TC Pataky, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem, R Savage, KT Bates, ...
Gait & posture 40 (1), 255-258, 2014
A force profile analysis comparison between functional data analysis, statistical parametric mapping and statistical non-parametric mapping in on-water single sculling
J Warmenhoven, A Harrison, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem, N Bargary, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 21 (10), 1100-1105, 2018
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Articles 1–20