S.G.R. Brown
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Cited by
Investigation into the effect of process parameters on microstructural and physical properties of 316L stainless steel parts by selective laser melting
JA Cherry, HM Davies, S Mehmood, NP Lavery, SGR Brown, J Sienz
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 76, 869-879, 2015
A review of measurement techniques for the thermal expansion coefficient of metals and alloys at elevated temperatures
JD James, JA Spittle, SGR Brown, RW Evans
Measurement science and technology 12 (3), R1, 2001
Computer simulation of the effects of alloy variables on the grain structures of castings
JA Spittle, SGR Brown
Acta Metallurgica 37 (7), 1803-1810, 1989
Powder bed layer characteristics: the overseen first-order process input
HW Mindt, M Megahed, NP Lavery, MA Holmes, SGR Brown
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 3811-3822, 2016
Effects of hot isostatic pressing on the elastic modulus and tensile properties of 316L parts made by powder bed laser fusion
NP Lavery, J Cherry, S Mehmood, H Davies, B Girling, E Sackett, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 693, 186-213, 2017
Computer simulation of grain growth and macrostructure development during solidification
SGR Brown, JA Spittle
Materials science and technology 5 (4), 362-368, 1989
The scandium effect in multicomponent alloys
S Riva, KV Yusenko, NP Lavery, DJ Jarvis, SGR Brown
International Materials Reviews 61 (3), 203-228, 2016
An investigation of micro-mechanisms in hydrogen induced cracking in nickel-based superalloy 718
S Jothi, SV Merzlikin, TN Croft, J Andersson, SGR Brown
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664, 664-681, 2016
Numerical determination of liquid flow permeabilities for equiaxed dendritic structures
SGR Brown, JA Spittle, DJ Jarvis, R Walden-Bevan
Acta materialia 50 (6), 1559-1569, 2002
A cellular automaton model of the steady-state “free” growth of a non-isothermal dendrite
SGR Brown, T Williams, JA Spittle
Acta metallurgica et materialia 42 (8), 2893-2898, 1994
Creep strain and creep life prediction for the cast nickel-based superalloy IN-100
SGR Brown, RW Evans, B Wilshire
Materials Science and Engineering 84, 147-156, 1986
Hume-Rothery for HEA classification and self-organizing map for phases and properties prediction
M Calvo-Dahlborg, SGR Brown
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 724, 353-364, 2017
A computer simulation of the influence of processing conditions on as-cast grain structures
JA Spittle, SGR Brown
Journal of materials science 24, 1777-1781, 1989
A cellular automaton model of steady-state columnar-dendritic growth in binary alloys
JA Spittle, SGR Brown
Journal of materials science 30, 3989-3994, 1995
View factor calculation using the Monte Carlo method and numerical sensitivity
MR Vujičić, NP Lavery, SGR Brown
Communications in numerical methods in Engineering 22 (3), 197-203, 2006
A review of Computational Modelling of Additive Layer Manufacturing–multi-scale and multi-physics
NP Lavery, SGR Brown, J Sienz, J Cherry, F Belblidia
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 651, 673, 2014
High-pressure high-temperature tailoring of High Entropy Alloys for extreme environments
KV Yusenko, S Riva, WA Crichton, K Spektor, E Bykova, A Pakhomova, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 738, 491-500, 2018
a study into the effects of gas flow inlet design of the renishaw AM250 laser powder bed fusion machine using computational modeling
AM Philo, CJ Sutcliffe, S Sillars, J Sienz, SGR Brown, NP Lavery
University of Texas at Austin, 2017
Influence of grain boundary misorientation on hydrogen embrittlement in bi-crystal nickel
S Jothi, TN Croft, SGR Brown
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (35), 20671-20688, 2014
A 3D cellular automaton model of coupled growth in two component systems
JA Spittle, SGR Brown
Acta metallurgica et materialia 42 (6), 1811-1815, 1994
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Articles 1–20