David Tanner
Cited by
Cited by
A single polymer nanowire photodetector
GA O'Brien, AJ Quinn, DA Tanner, G Redmond
Advanced Materials 18 (18), 2379-2383, 2006
Quench sensitivity and tensile property inhomogeneity in 7010 forgings
JS Robinson, RL Cudd, DA Tanner, GP Dolan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (1-3), 261-267, 2001
The antibacterial effects of zinc ion migration from zinc-based glass polyalkenoate cements
D Boyd, H Li, DA Tanner, MR Towler, JG Wall
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 17, 489-494, 2006
Residual stress reduction in 7175-T73, 6061-T6 and 2017A-T4 aluminium alloys using quench factor analysis
GP Dolan, JS Robinson
Journal of materials processing technology 153, 346-351, 2004
The influence of quench sensitivity on residual stresses in the aluminium alloys 7010 and 7075
JS Robinson, DA Tanner, CE Truman, AM Paradowska, RC Wimpory
Materials Characterization 65, 73-85, 2012
Reduced Surfactant Uptake in Three Dimensional Assemblies of VOx Nanotubes Improves Reversible Li+ Intercalation and Charge Capacity
C O'Dwyer, V Lavayen, DA Tanner, SB Newcomb, E Benavente, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (11), 1736-1745, 2009
In-situ SEM study of transverse cracking and delamination in laminated composite materials
DJ Mortell, DA Tanner, CT McCarthy
Composites Science and Technology 105, 118-126, 2014
Characterisation of ferritic stainless steel by Barkhausen techniques
D O'Sullivan, M Cotterell, DA Tanner, I Mészáros
NDT & E International 37 (6), 489-496, 2004
Investigation of through thickness residual stress distribution in equal channel angular rolled Al 5083 alloy by layer removal technique and X-ray diffraction
M Mahmoodi, M Sedighi, DA Tanner
Materials & Design 40, 516-520, 2012
Residual stress prediction and determination in 7010 aluminum alloy forgings
DA Tanner, JS Robinson
Experimental mechanics 40, 75-82, 2000
Modelling stress reduction techniques of cold compression and stretching in wrought aluminium alloy products
DA Tanner, JS Robinson
Finite elements in analysis and design 39 (5-6), 369-386, 2003
Influence of quenching and aging on residual stress in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy 7449
JS Robinson, DA Tanner, S Van Petegem, A Evans
Materials Science and Technology 28 (4), 420-430, 2012
Measurement and prediction of machining induced redistribution of residual stress in the aluminium alloy 7449
JS Robinson, DA Tanner, CE Truman, RC Wimpory
Experimental Mechanics 51, 981-993, 2011
50th Anniversary Article: The Origin and Management of Residual Stress in Heat‐treatable Aluminium Alloys
JS Robinson, DA Tanner, CE Truman
Strain 50 (3), 185-207, 2014
Magneto-acoustic emission for the characterisation of ferritic stainless steel microstructural state
D O’Sullivan, M Cotterell, S Cassidy, DA Tanner, I Mészáros
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 271 (2-3), 381-389, 2004
An experimental investigation into multi-scale damage progression in laminated composites in bending
DJ Mortell, DA Tanner, CT McCarthy
Composite Structures 149, 33-40, 2016
Effect of precipitation during quenching on the mechanical properties of the aluminium alloy 7010 in the W-temper
DA Tanner, JS Robinson
Journal of materials processing technology 153, 998-1004, 2004
Quench factor analysis of aluminium alloys using the Jominy end quench technique
GP Dolan, RJ Flynn, DA Tanner, JS Robinson
Materials science and technology 21 (6), 687-692, 2005
Reducing residual stress in 2014 aluminium alloy die forgings
DA Tanner, JS Robinson
Materials & Design 29 (7), 1489-1496, 2008
Enhanced electrochemiluminescence and charge transport through films of metallopolymer-gold nanoparticle composites
A Devadoss, AM Spehar-Déleze, DA Tanner, P Bertoncello, R Marthi, ...
Langmuir 26 (3), 2130-2135, 2010
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Articles 1–20