Zsuzsa R. Huszar
Cited by
Cited by
The good news in short interest
E Boehmer, ZR Huszar, BD Jordan
Journal of Financial Economics 96 (1), 80-97, 2010
A note on hybrid mortgages
BW Ambrose, M LaCour‐Little, ZR Huszar
Real Estate Economics 33 (4), 765-782, 2005
Short covering trades
E Boehmer, TX Duong, ZR Huszár
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 53 (2), 723-748, 2018
The information value of stock lending fees: Are lenders price takers?
TX Duong, ZR Huszár, RSK Tan, W Zhang
Review of Finance 21 (6), 2353-2377, 2017
Can Shorts Predict Returns? A Global Perspective
XZ Ekkehart Boehmer, Zsuzsa R Huszár, Yanchu Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang
The Review of Financial Studies 35 (5), 2428-2463, 2022
Are shorts equally informed? A global perspective
E Boehmer, ZR Huszár, Y Wang, X Wang
SSRN, 2017
Do short sellers exploit industry information?
ZR Huszár, RSK Tan, W Zhang
Journal of Empirical Finance 41, 118-139, 2017
The costs and benefits of short sale disclosure
TX Duong, ZR Huszár, T Yamada
Journal of Banking & Finance 53, 124-139, 2015
The relationships between real estate price and expected financial asset risk and return: Theory and empirical evidence
GZ Fan, ZR Huszár, W Zhang
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 46, 568-595, 2013
An analysis of over-the-counter and centralized stock lending markets
ZR Huszár, MP Prado
Journal of Financial Markets 43, 31-53, 2019
Mortgage lending regulatory arbitrage: A cross-sectional analysis of nonbank lenders
ZR Huszár, W Yu
Journal of Real Estate Research 41 (2), 219-248, 2019
The role of financial synergies in corporate diversification
ZR Huszar, J Peek
Journal of Financial and Quantative Analyses, 45, 2009
Efficiency of regulated and unregulated FOREX markets: An analysis of onshore and offshore renminbi forward markets
ZR Huszar, RSK Tan, W Zhang
The Political Economy of Chinese Finance, 371-392, 2016
Does mandatory disclosure affect subprime lending to minority neighborhoods?
ZR Huszár, GH Lentz, W Yu
Journal of Economics and Finance 36, 900-924, 2012
The pricing implications of the oligopolistic securities lending market: A beneficial owner perspective
ZR Huszár, Z Simon
SAFE Working Paper, 2018
The impact of crisis periods and monetary decisions of the Fed and the ECB on the sovereign yield curve network
MC Badics, ZR Huszar, BB Kotro
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 101837, 2023
Evaluating Regulators: The Efficacy of Discretionary Short Sale Rules
D Choi, ZR Huszár
Working paper, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
Stock lending from lenders' perspective: are lenders price takers?
ZR Huszár, RSK Tan, W Zhang
Short Sale Return Predictability Revisited: Anomaly or Return Mis-Measurement?
ZR Huszar, W Qian
Fifth Singapore International Conference on Finance, 2011
Dynamic volatility transfer in the European oil and gas industry
ZR Huszár, BB Kotró, RSK Tan
Energy Economics 127, 107052, 2023
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Articles 1–20