Mª José Casany
Cited by
Cited by
Opening learning management systems to personal learning environments
FJ García Peñalvo, MÁ Conde García, M Alier Forment, ...
Journal of universal computer science: J. UCS 17 (9), 1222-1240, 2011
An evolving Learning Management System for new educational environments using 2.0 tools
MÁ Conde, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Rodríguez-Conde, M Alier, MJ Casany, ...
Interactive learning environments 22 (2), 188-204, 2014
Moodbile: A framework to integrate m-learning applications with the LMS
MJ Casany, M Alier, E Mayol, J Piguillem, N Galanis, FJ García-Peñalvo, ...
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 44 (2), 129-149, 2012
VALS: Virtual Alliances for Learning Society
FJ García-Peñalvo, I Álvarez Navia, JR García-Bermejo Giner, ...
SOA initiatives for eLearning. A Moodle case
MJ Casany, M Alier Forment, FJ García-Peñalvo
Clickstream for learning analytics to assess students’ behavior with Scratch
DA Filvà, MA Forment, FJ García-Peñalvo, DF Escudero, MJ Casañ
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 673-686, 2019
Moodbile: Extending Moodle to the mobile on/offline scenario
M Alier, M Casany
Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, 11-18, 2008
Back and forth: From the LMS to the mobile device. A SOA approach
MÁC González, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJC Guerrero, MA Forment
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2009 …, 2009
LEARN-SQL: Automatic assessment of SQL based on IMS QTI specification
A Abelló, ME Rodríguez, T Urpí, X Burgués, MJ Casany, C Martín, C Quer
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
Moodbile: a Moodle web services extension for mobile applications
J Piguillem Poch, M Alier Forment, MJ Casany Guerrero, E Mayol Sarroca, ...
1st Moodle Research Conference: Heraklion, Crete-Greece, September 14-15 …, 2012
Google analytics for time behavior measurement in Moodle
DA Filvà, MJC Guerrero, MA Forment
2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1-6, 2014
Docs4Learning: Getting Google Docs to work within the LMS with IMS BLTI
M Alier Forment, MJ Casany, E Mayol, J Piguillem, N Galanis, ...
Extending Moodle services to mobile devices: the Moodbile project
MJ Casany Guerrero, M Alier Forment, E Mayol Sarroca, J Piguillem Poch, ...
UBICOMM 2012: the Sixth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous …, 2012
Personal Learning Environments and the Integration with Learning Management Systems
MÁ Conde, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Casany, MA Forment
Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research: 4th …, 2013
Mobile devices applied to Computer Science subjects to consume institutional functionalities trough a Personal Learning Environment
MÁ Conde González, FJ García-Peñalvo, M Alier Forment, MJ Casany, ...
A Mobile extension to a web based Moodle virtual classroom
M Alier, M Casany, P Casado
Proceedins of E-challenges International Conference. The Hague, Netherlands …, 2007
Privacidad, seguridad y legalidad en soluciones educativas basadas en Blockchain: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura
D Amo Filvà, M Alier Forment, FJ García Peñalvo, D Fonseca Escudero, ...
RIED. Revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia 23 (2), 213-236, 2020
Personal data broker instead of blockchain for students’ data privacy assurance
D Amo, D Fonseca, M Alier, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Casañ
New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3, 371-380, 2019
Towards mobile learning applications integration with learning management systems
MA Forment, MJC Guerrero, JP Poch
Multiplatform e-learning systems and technologies: mobile devices for …, 2010
Atenea exams, an IMS LTI application to solve scalability problems: A study case
M Alier, MJ Casany, A Llorens, J Alcober, JA Prat
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 80, 2020
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Articles 1–20