Renata Mansini
Cited by
Cited by
Heuristic algorithms for the portfolio selection problem with minimum transaction lots
R Mansini, MG Speranza
European Journal of Operational Research 114 (2), 219-233, 1999
Conditional value at risk and related linear programming models for portfolio optimization
R Mansini, W Ogryczak, MG Speranza
Annals of operations research 152, 227-256, 2007
Twenty years of linear programming based portfolio optimization
R Mansini, W Ogryczak, MG Speranza
European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2), 518-535, 2014
Selecting portfolios with fixed costs and minimum transaction lots
H Kellerer, R Mansini, MG Speranza
Annals of Operations Research 99, 287-304, 2000
The team orienteering problem with time windows: An lp-based granular variable neighborhood search
N Labadie, R Mansini, J Melechovský, RW Calvo
European Journal of Operational Research 220 (1), 15-27, 2012
The vehicle routing problem with time windows and simultaneous pick-up and delivery
E Angelelli, R Mansini
Quantitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain …, 2002
Kernel search: A general heuristic for the multi-dimensional knapsack problem
E Angelelli, R Mansini, MG Speranza
Computers & Operations Research 37 (11), 2017-2026, 2010
LP solvable models for portfolio optimization: A classification and computational comparison
R Mansini, W Ogryczak, MG Speranza
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 14 (3), 187-220, 2003
An efficient fully polynomial approximation scheme for the subset-sum problem
H Kellerer, R Mansini, U Pferschy, MG Speranza
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 66 (2), 349-370, 2003
Short term strategies for a dynamic multi-period routing problem
E Angelelli, N Bianchessi, R Mansini, MG Speranza
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 17 (2), 106-119, 2009
Linear and mixed integer programming for portfolio optimization
R Mansini, WĹ ‚odzimierz Ogryczak, MG Speranza, ...
Springer, 2015
The supplier selection problem with quantity discounts and truckload shipping
R Mansini, MWP Savelsbergh, B Tocchella
Omega 40 (4), 445-455, 2012
A comparison of MAD and CVaR models with real features
E Angelelli, R Mansini, MG Speranza
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (7), 1188-1197, 2008
Attended Home Delivery: Reducing last-mile environmental impact by changing customer habits
D Manerba, R Mansini, R Zanotti
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (5), 55-60, 2018
Linear programming models based on omega ratio for the enhanced index tracking problem
G Guastaroba, R Mansini, W Ogryczak, MG Speranza
European Journal of Operational Research 251 (3), 938-956, 2016
Mixed integer linear programming models for optimal crop selection
C Filippi, R Mansini, E Stevanato
Computers & Operations Research 81, 26-39, 2017
On LP solvable models for portfolio selection
R Mansini, W Ogryczak, MG Speranza
Informatica 14 (1), 37-62, 2003
On the effectiveness of scenario generation techniques in single-period portfolio optimization
G Guastaroba, R Mansini, MG Speranza
European Journal of Operational Research 192 (2), 500-511, 2009
The traveling purchaser problem and its variants
D Manerba, R Mansini, J Riera-Ledesma
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (1), 1-18, 2017
A branch‐and‐cut algorithm for the Team Orienteering Problem
N Bianchessi, R Mansini, MG Speranza
International Transactions in Operational Research 25 (2), 627-635, 2018
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