Michiel T. Kreutzer
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Multiphase monolith reactors: chemical reaction engineering of segmented flow in microchannels
MT Kreutzer, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn, JJ Heiszwolf
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (22), 5895-5916, 2005
Inertial and interfacial effects on pressure drop of Taylor flow in capillaries
MT Kreutzer, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn, CR Kleijn, JJ Heiszwolf
AIChE Journal 51 (9), 2428-2440, 2005
μ-PIV study of the formation of segmented flow in microfluidic T-junctions
V van Steijn, MT Kreutzer, CR Kleijn
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (24), 7505-7514, 2007
Mass transfer characteristics of three-phase monolith reactors
MT Kreutzer, P Du, JJ Heiszwolf, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (21-22), 6015-6023, 2001
Predictive model for the size of bubbles and droplets created in microfluidic T-junctions
V van Steijn, CR Kleijn, MT Kreutzer
Lab on a Chip 10 (19), 2513-2518, 2010
Benchmark numerical simulations of segmented two-phase flows in microchannels using the Volume of Fluid method
DA Hoang, V van Steijn, LM Portela, MT Kreutzer, CR Kleijn
Computers & Fluids 86, 28-36, 2013
Monolithic catalysts as efficient three-phase reactors
TA Nijhuis, MT Kreutzer, ACJ Romijn, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (3), 823-829, 2001
Liquid–liquid flow in a capillary microreactor: hydrodynamic flow patterns and extraction performance
J Jovanovic, EV Rebrov, TA Nijhuis, MT Kreutzer, V Hessel, JC Schouten
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (2), 1015-1026, 2012
Flows around confined bubbles and their importance in triggering pinch-off
V van Steijn, CR Kleijn, MT Kreutzer
Physical review letters 103 (21), 214501, 2009
Monodisperse hydrogel microspheres by forced droplet formation in aqueous two-phase systems
I Ziemecka, V van Steijn, GJM Koper, M Rosso, AM Brizard, JH van Esch, ...
Lab on a Chip 11 (4), 620-624, 2011
Dynamics of droplet breakup in a T-junction
DA Hoang, LM Portela, CR Kleijn, MT Kreutzer, V Van Steijn
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, R4, 2013
Weakly bound capping agents on gold nanoparticles in catalysis: Surface poison?
A Quintanilla, VCL Butselaar-Orthlieb, C Kwakernaak, WG Sloof, ...
Journal of Catalysis 271 (1), 104-114, 2010
Shouldn’t catalysts shape up?: Structured reactors in general and gas–liquid monolith reactors in particular
MT Kreutzer, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn
Catalysis today 111 (1-2), 111-118, 2006
Understanding and controlling the aggregative growth of platinum nanoparticles in atomic layer deposition: an avenue to size selection
F Grillo, H Van Bui, JA Moulijn, MT Kreutzer, JR Van Ommen
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (5), 975-983, 2017
Gas–liquid mass transfer of aqueous Taylor flow in monoliths
JJ Heiszwolf, MT Kreutzer, MG van den Eijnden, F Kapteijn, JA Moulijn
Catalysis Today 69 (1-4), 51-55, 2001
Elastic instabilities during the flow of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide solution in porous media: effect of pore-shape and salt
D Kawale, E Marques, PLJ Zitha, MT Kreutzer, WR Rossen, PE Boukany
Soft matter 13 (4), 765-775, 2017
On the fabrication of PDMS micromodels by rapid prototyping, and their use in two‐phase flow studies
NK Karadimitriou, M Musterd, PJ Kleingeld, MT Kreutzer, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (4), 2056-2067, 2013
All-aqueous core-shell droplets produced in a microfluidic device
I Ziemecka, V Van Steijn, GJM Koper, MT Kreutzer, JH Van Esch
Soft Matter 7 (21), 9878-9880, 2011
Photocatalytic reactor design: guidelines for kinetic investigation
A Visan, JR Van Ommen, MT Kreutzer, RGH Lammertink
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (14), 5349-5357, 2019
Hydrodynamic aspects of the monolith loop reactor
JJ Heiszwolf, LB Engelvaart, MG van den Eijnden, MT Kreutzer, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (3), 805-812, 2001
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Articles 1–20