Phillippa Carnemolla
Phillippa Carnemolla
Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney
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Multi-objective optimisation framework for designing office windows: quality of view, daylight and energy efficiency
P Pilechiha, M Mahdavinejad, FP Rahimian, P Carnemolla, ...
Applied Energy 261, 114356, 2020
Ageing in place and the internet of things–how smart home technologies, the built environment and caregiving intersect
P Carnemolla
Visualization in Engineering 6 (1), 1-16, 2018
Housing design and community care: How home modifications reduce care needs of older people and people with disability
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (11), 1951, 2019
A scoping review of home modification interventions–Mapping the evidence base
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Indoor and built environment 29 (3), 299-310, 2020
Offsite production and manufacturing for innovative construction: People, process and technology
JS Goulding, FP Rahimian
Routledge, 2019
Accessible Housing and Health-Related Quality of Life: Measurements of Wellbeing Outcomes Following Home Modifications.
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
ArchNet-IJAR 10 (2), 2016
Towards inclusive cities and social sustainability: A scoping review of initiatives to support the inclusion of people with intellectual disability in civic and social activities
P Carnemolla, S Robinson, K Lay
City, Culture and Society 25, 100398, 2021
Outcomes associated with providing secure, stable, and permanent housing for people who have been homeless: An international scoping review
P Carnemolla, V Skinner
Journal of Planning Literature 36 (4), 508-525, 2021
Why Australian female high school students do not choose construction as a career: A qualitative investigation into value beliefs about the construction industry
P Carnemolla, N Galea
Journal of Engineering Education 110 (4), 819-839, 2021
Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment E-Book (previously entitled Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction): Occupational Therapy for …
M Curtin, M Egan, J Adams
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2016
Reflections on working together in an inclusive research team
P Carnemolla, J Kelly, C Donnelley, A Healy
Social Sciences 11 (5), 182, 2022
The influence of the built environment in enacting a household model of residential aged care for people living with a mental health condition: A qualitative post-occupancy …
P Carnemolla, D Debono, F Hourihan, S Hor, H Robertson, J Travaglia
Health & Place 71, 102624, 2021
“If I was the boss of my local government”: Perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities on improving inclusion
P Carnemolla, J Kelly, C Donnelley, A Healy, M Taylor
Sustainability 13 (16), 9075, 2021
Home Modifications and their impact on waged care substitution
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, 2011
Involving people with intellectual disability in setting priorities for building community inclusion at a local government level
S Robinson, P Carnemolla, K Lay, J Kelly
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 50 (3), 364-375, 2022
The potential of a home modification strategy–a universal design approach to existing housing
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity, 259-268, 2014
Individualized Apartment Accommodation for People With Intellectual Disability: Protocol for a Qualitative Study Examining the Well-Being and Support Outcomes Linking Housing …
P Carnemolla
JMIR research protocols 9 (8), e18248, 2020
Systematic review: Evidence on home modifications
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Sydney, Australia: Enabling Built Environment Program, University of New …, 2015
A systematic review of the health literacy of adults with lifelong communication disability: Looking beyond accessing and understanding information
H Turnbull, L Dark, P Carnemolla, I Skinner, B Hemsley
Patient Education and Counseling 106, 151-162, 2023
Consumer factsheet: arranging home modifications
T Adams, C Bridge, P Carnemolla, N McNamara, J Quinn
Consumer Factsheet Series; Home Modification Information Clearinghouse …, 2014
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Articles 1–20