Stephen Foerster
Stephen Foerster
Professor of Finance, Ivey Business School, Western University
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The effects of market segmentation and investor recognition on asset prices: Evidence from foreign stocks listing in the United States
SR Foerster, GA Karolyi
The Journal of Finance 54 (3), 981-1013, 1999
Finite sample properties of the generalized method of moments in tests of conditional asset pricing models
WE Ferson, SR Foerster
Journal of Financial Economics 36 (1), 29-55, 1994
The long-run performance of global equity offerings
SR Foerster, GA Karolyi
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 35 (4), 499-528, 2000
International listings of stocks: The case of Canada and the US
SR Foerster, GA Karolyi
Journal of International Business Studies 24, 763-784, 1993
Multimarket trading and liquidity: a transaction data analysis of Canada–US interlistings
SR Foerster, GA Karolyi
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 8 (3-4 …, 1998
Retail financial advice: does one size fit all?
S Foerster, JT Linnainmaa, BT Melzer, A Previtero
The Journal of Finance 72 (4), 1441-1482, 2017
Second time lucky? Withdrawn IPOs that return to the market
CG Dunbar, SR Foerster
Journal of Financial Economics 87 (3), 610-635, 2008
The transmission of US election cycles to international stock returns
SR Foerster, JJ Schmitz
Journal of International Business Studies 28, 1-13, 1997
General tests of latent variable models and mean‐variance spanning
WE Ferson, SR Foerster, DB Keim
the Journal of Finance 48 (1), 131-156, 1993
Are cash flows better stock return predictors than profits?
S Foerster, J Tsagarelis, G Wang
Financial Analysts Journal 73 (1), 73-99, 2017
Does corporate governance matter to Canadian investors
SR Foerster, BC Huen
Canadian investment review 17 (3), 19-23, 2004
The dividend discount model in the long-run: A clinical study
SR Foerster, SG Sapp
Journal of Applied Finance 15 (2), 2005
Valuation of financial versus non-financial firms: a global perspective
SR Foerster, SG Sapp
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 15 (1), 1-20, 2005
Trading volume and stock investments
JH Brown, DK Crocker, SR Foerster
Financial analysts journal 65 (2), 67-84, 2009
Socially responsible investing: Better for your soul or your bottom line
P Asmundson, SR Foerster
Canadian Investment Review 14 (4), 26-34, 2001
Stock market performance and elections: made-in-Canada effects?
SR Foerster
The effects of market segmentation and illiquidity on asset prices: evidence from foreign stocks listing in the US
SR Foerster, GA Karolyi
Research in Financial Economics, 1996
Direct evidence of non-trading of NYSE and AMEX stocks
SR Foerster, DB Keim
Rodney L White Center for Financial Research Working Paper, 1993
Analyst talent, information, and insider trading
C Dang, S Foerster, ZF Li, Z Tang
Journal of Corporate Finance 67, 101803, 2021
Finite sample properties of methods of moments in latent variable tests of asset pricing models
W Ferson, SR Foerster
Center for Research in Security Prices, Graduate School of Business …, 1990
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Articles 1–20