Resource integration using a large knowledge base in Carnot C Collet, MN Huhns, WM Shen Computer 24 (12), 55-62, 1991 | 408 | 1991 |
NAOS-Efficient and modular reactive capabilities in an Object-Oriented Database System C Collet, T Coupaye, T Svensen Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data bases …, 1994 | 156 | 1994 |
Objets et bases de données: le SGBD O2 M Adiba, C Collet Hermes, 1993 | 90 | 1993 |
Platinum tungstated zirconia isomerization catalysts: Part I. Characterization of acid and metal properties TN Vu, J Van Gestel, JP Gilson, C Collet, JP Dath, JC Duchet Journal of Catalysis 231 (2), 453-467, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Platinum-tungstated zirconia isomerization catalysts: part II. Effect of platinum and tungsten loading on the mechanism of isomerization of n-hexane: a kinetic study TN Vu, J Van Gestel, JP Gilson, C Collet, JP Dath, JC Duchet Journal of Catalysis 231 (2), 468-479, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
A flexible workflow model for process-oriented applications K Belhajjame, G Vargas-Solar, C Collet Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Web Information …, 2001 | 58 | 2001 |
The nods project: Networked open database services C Collet International Symposium on Objects and Databases, 153-169, 2000 | 45 | 2000 |
Composite events in NAOS C Collet, T Coupaye International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 244-253, 1996 | 43 | 1996 |
Denotational semantics for an active rule execution model T Coupaye, C Collet International Workshop on Rules in Database Systems, 36-50, 1995 | 36 | 1995 |
Primitive and Composite Events in NAOS. C Collet, T Coupaye BDA, 331-, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Open active services for data-intensive distributed applications C Collet, G Vargas-Solar, H Grazziotin-Ribeiro Proceedings 2000 International Database Engineering and Applications …, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Active rules for the software engineering platform GOODSTEP C Collet, P Habraken, T Coupaye, M Adiba 2nd International Workshop on Database and Software Engineering, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
The WHES approach to data warehouse evolution EB Guerrero, C Collet, M Adiba e-Gnosis, 0, 2004 | 26 | 2004 |
Defining and coordinating open-services using workflows K Belhajjame, G Vargas-Solar, C Collet On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE …, 2003 | 26 | 2003 |
Study of Ir/WO3/Al2O3 ring opening catalysts JW Park, K Thomas, J Van Gestel, JP Gilson, C Collet, JP Dath, M Houalla Applied Catalysis A: General 388 (1-2), 37-44, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Qbf: A query broker framework for adaptable query evaluation C Collet, TT Vu Flexible Query Answering Systems: 6th International Conference, FQAS 2004 …, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Optimization of active rules with parallelism C Collet, J Machado Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95) Proceedings of the First …, 1996 | 24 | 1996 |
Management of complex objects as dynamic forms ME Adiba, C Collet Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases …, 1988 | 24 | 1988 |
Towards a mediation system framework for transparent access to largely distributed sources C Collet, K Belhajjame, G Bernot, C Bobineau, G Bruno, B Finance, ... Semantics of a Networked World. Semantics for Grid Databases: First …, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Active services for federated databases G Vargas-Solar, C Collet, HG Ribeiro Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing-Volume 1, 356-360, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |