Jesper Lau Hansen
Cited by
Cited by
The Nordic corporate governance model
P Lekvall, RJ Gilson, JL Hansen, C Lønfeldt, M Airaksinen, T Berglund, ...
The Nordic Corporate Governance Model, Per Lekvall, ed., SNS Förlag …, 2014
Nordic company law: The regulation of public companies in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
JL Hansen
Djøf Publishing, 2003
The MAD disclosure regime and the twofold notion of inside information: the available solution
J Lau Hansen, D Moalem
Capital Markets Law Journal 4 (3), 323-340, 2009
A Scandinavian approach to corporate governance
JL Hansen
Scandinavian Studies in Law 50, 125-142, 2007
When less would be more: the EU takeover directive in its latest apparition
JL Hansen
Colum. J. Eur. L. 9, 275, 2002
The Vale decision and the Court’s case law on the nationality of companies
JL Hansen
European company and financial law review 10 (1), 1-17, 2013
The new proposal for a European Union directive on market abuse
JL Hansen
U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 23, 241, 2002
MAD in a hurry: The swift and promising adoption of the EU Market Abuse Directive
JL Hansen
Eur. Bus. L. Rev. 15, 183, 2004
Market Abuse Case Law–Where Do We Stand With MAR?
JL Hansen
European Company and Financial Law Review 14 (2), 367-390, 2017
Full circle: is there a difference between the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services?
JL Hansen
European Business Law Review 11 (2), 2000
A New Look at Centros–From a Danish Point of View
JL Hansen
European Business Law Review 13 (1), 2002
The SUP Proposal: Registration and Capital (Articles 13–17)
JL Hansen
European Company and Financial Law Review 12 (2), 177-190, 2015
The trinity of market regulation: Disclosure, insider trading and market manipulation
JL Hansen
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 1, 82-96, 2003
Say when: When must an issuer disclose inside information?
JL Hansen
Nordic & European Company Law Working Paper, 2016
The Danish green paper on Company Law reform–Modernising Company Law in the 21st century
JL Hansen
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 10 (1), 73-95, 2009
Celebrity Endorsement's Impact on Brand Image and Sales: A Case Study on Volvo Cars Sweden
A Byberg, J Hansen, M Basic
The mandatory bid rule: The rise to prominence of a misconception
JL Hansen
Scandinavian Studies in Law 45, 183, 2003
Informationsmisbrug: ena analyse af de centrale bestemmelser i børsrettens informationsregime
JL Hansen
Jurist-og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2001
Editors’ Note: Companies Without Legal Capital and the Strange Case of Denmark
JL Hansen
European company and financial law review 16 (6), 677-686, 2019
Issuers’ duty to disclose inside information
JL Hansen
ERA Forum 18 (1), 21-39, 2017
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20