Sebastian Sevignani
Cited by
Cited by
What is digital labour? What is digital work? What’s their difference? And why do these questions matter for understanding social media?
C Fuchs, S Sevignani
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a …, 2013
Privacy and capitalism in the age of social media
S Sevignani
Routledge, 2015
Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit?
M Seeliger, S Sevignani
Nomos, 2021
A new structural transformation of the public sphere? An introduction
M Seeliger, S Sevignani
Theory, Culture & Society 39 (4), 3-16, 2022
The commodification of privacy on the Internet
S Sevignani
Science and Public Policy 40 (6), 733-739, 2013
Digital transformations and the ideological formation of the public sphere: Hegemonic, populist, or popular communication?
S Sevignani
Theory, Culture & Society 39 (4), 91-109, 2022
What Is Digital Labour? What Is Digital Work? What's Their Difference? And Why Do These Questions Matter for Understanding Social Media? tripleC: Communication, Capitalism …
C Fuchs, S Sevignani
Social networking sites in the surveillance society: Critical perspectives and empirical findings
T Allmer, C Fuchs, V Kreilinger, S Sevignani
Peter Lang, 2014
Zum Verhältnis von Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie. Ein neuer Strukturwandel?
M Seeliger, S Sevignani
Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit?, 9-40, 2021
Kritische Politische Ökonomie
S Sevignani
Handbuch Medienökonomie, 71-98, 2020
Surveillance, classification, and social inequality in informational capitalism: The relevance of exploitation in the context of markets in information
S Sevignani
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 77-102, 2017
Mapping approaches to user participation and digital labour: A critical perspective
T Allmer, S Sevignani, JA Prodnik
Reconsidering value and labour in the digital age, 153-171, 2015
The problem of privacy in capitalism and the alternative social networking site diaspora
S Sevignani
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a …, 2012
Facebook vs. diaspora: A critical study
S Sevignani
Unlike us reader. Social media monopolies and their alternatives, 323-337, 2013
The development of informational needs and prospects of a needs-based critique of digital capitalism
S Sevignani
Annual Review of Critical Psychology 16, 523-543, 2019
Facetten der Debatte über das digitale Arbeiten: Herausforderungen für eine kritische Theorie des informationellen Kapitalismus
S Sevignani
PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 47 (186), 43–62-43–62, 2017
What is digital labour? What is digital work? What's their difference? And why do these questions matter for understanding Social Media
S Sevignani, C Fuchs
TripleC 11 (2), 237-293, 2013
Historisch-Materialistische Medien-und Kommunikationstheorie 2.0
S Sevignani
Maske und Kothurn 64 (1-2), 59-88, 2018
Krise der Privatheit: Zur Dialektik von Privatheit und Überwachung im informationellen Kapitalismus
S Sevignani
Kritische Öffentlichkeiten-Öffentlichkeiten in der Kritik, 237-254, 2017
The problem of privacy in capitalism and alternative social media: The case of Diaspora
S Sevignani
Marx in the age of digital capitalism, 413-446, 2016
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Articles 1–20