Predrag Spasojevic
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Cited by
Discrete memoryless interference and broadcast channels with confidential messages: Secrecy rate regions
R Liu, I Maric, P Spasojevic, RD Yates
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (6), 2493-2507, 2008
Interference assisted secret communication
X Tang, R Liu, P Spasojević, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (5), 3153-3167, 2011
Complementary sequences for ISI channel estimation
P Spasojevic, CN Georghiades
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47 (3), 1145-1152, 2001
On the throughput of secure hybrid-ARQ protocols for Gaussian block-fading channels
X Tang, R Liu, P Spasojevic, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (4), 1575-1591, 2009
An expert system for transmission substation event analysis
M Kezunovic, P Spasojevic, CW Fromen, DR Sevcik
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 8 (4), 1942-1949, 1993
Secure nested codes for type II wiretap channels
R Liu, Y Liang, HV Poor, P Spasojevic
2007 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 337-342, 2007
Effects of the generation size and overlap on throughput and complexity in randomized linear network coding
Y Li, E Soljanin, P Spasojevic
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (2), 1111-1123, 2011
The Gaussian wiretap channel with a helping interferer
X Tang, R Liu, P Spasojevic, HV Poor
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 389-393, 2008
The discrete memoryless multiple access channel with confidential messages
R Liu, I Maric, RD Yates, P Spasojevic
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 957-961, 2006
Distinguishing users with capacitive touch communication
T Vu, A Baid, S Gao, M Gruteser, R Howard, J Lindqvist, P Spasojevic, ...
Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2012
Hybrid ARQ with random transmission assignments
E Soljanin, R Liu, P Spasojevic
DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 66 …, 2004
Service outage based power and rate allocation for parallel fading channels
J Luo, R Yates, P Spasojevic
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (7), 2594-2611, 2005
New digital signal processing algorithms for frequency deviation measurement
M Kezunovic, P Spasojevic, B Perunicic
IEEE transactions on power delivery 7 (3), 1563-1573, 1992
Multiple access channels with generalized feedback and confidential messages
X Tang, R Liu, P Spasojevic, HV Poor
2007 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 608-613, 2007
Reliable channel regions for good binary codes transmitted over parallel channels
R Liu, P Spasojevic, E Soljanin
IEEE transactions on information theory 52 (4), 1405-1424, 2006
Incremental redundancy cooperative coding for wireless networks: Cooperative diversity, coding, and transmission energy gains
R Liu, P Spasojevic, E Soljanin
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (3), 1207-1224, 2008
Service outage based power and rate allocation
J Luo, L Lin, R Yates, P Spasojevic
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (1), 323-330, 2003
Adaptive transmission with discrete code rates and power levels
L Lin, RD Yates, P Spasojevic
IEEE Transactions on Communications 51 (12), 2115-2125, 2003
Antenna and pulse designs for meeting UWB spectrum density requirements
G Lu, P Spasojevic, L Greenstein
IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies, 2003, 162-166, 2003
Diamond and rounded diamond antennas for ultrawide-band communications
G Lu
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 3, 249-252, 2004
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Articles 1–20