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Cited by
On the mechanism of twin formation in Fe–Mn–C TWIP steels
H Idrissi, K Renard, L Ryelandt, D Schryvers, PJ Jacques
Acta Materialia 58 (7), 2464-2476, 2010
On the relationship between the twin internal structure and the work-hardening rate of TWIP steels
H Idrissi, K Renard, D Schryvers, PJ Jacques
Scripta Materialia 63 (10), 961-964, 2010
Is there a relationship between the stacking fault character and the activated mode of plasticity of Fe–Mn-based austenitic steels?
H Idrissi, L Ryelandt, M Veron, D Schryvers, PJ Jacques
Scripta Materialia 60 (11), 941-944, 2009
Damage mechanisms in selective laser melted AlSi10Mg under as built and different post-treatment conditions
L Zhao, JGS Macías, L Ding, H Idrissi, A Simar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 764, 138210, 2019
Ultrahigh strain hardening in thin palladium films with nanoscale twins
H Idrissi, B Wang, MS Colla, JP Raskin, D Schryvers, T Pardoen
Advanced Materials 23 (18), 2119, 2011
Homogeneous flow and size dependent mechanical behavior in highly ductile Zr65Ni35 metallic glass films
M Ghidelli, H Idrissi, S Gravier, JJ Blandin, JP Raskin, D Schryvers, ...
Acta Materialia 131, 246-259, 2017
Low-temperature plasticity of olivine revisited with in situ TEM nanomechanical testing
H Idrissi, C Bollinger, F Boioli, D Schryvers, P Cordier
Science advances 2 (3), e1501671, 2016
Advanced TEM investigation of the plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline freestanding palladium films with nanoscale twins
B Wang, H Idrissi, M Galceran, MS Colla, S Turner, S Hui, JP Raskin, ...
International journal of plasticity 37, 140-156, 2012
On the stress state dependence of the twinning rate and work hardening in twinning-induced plasticity steels
K Renard, H Idrissi, D Schryvers, PJ Jacques
Scripta Materialia 66 (12), 966-971, 2012
High strength-ductility of thin nanocrystalline palladium films with nanoscale twins: On-chip testing and grain aggregate model
MS Colla, B Wang, H Idrissi, D Schryvers, JP Raskin, T Pardoen
Acta Materialia 60 (4), 1795-1806, 2012
Dislocation-mediated relaxation in nanograined columnar palladium films revealed by on-chip time-resolved HRTEM testing
MS Colla, B Amin-Ahmadi, H Idrissi, L Malet, S Godet, JP Raskin, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 5922, 2015
Potential TRIP/TWIP coupled effects in equiatomic CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy
L Ding, A Hilhorst, H Idrissi, PJ Jacques
Acta Materialia 234, 118049, 2022
Quantitative measurement for the microstructural parameters of nano-precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys
K Li, H Idrissi, G Sha, M Song, J Lu, H Shi, W Wang, SP Ringer, Y Du, ...
Materials Characterization 118, 352-362, 2016
Novel class of nanostructured metallic glass films with superior and tunable mechanical properties
M Ghidelli, A Orekhov, AL Bassi, G Terraneo, P Djemia, G Abadias, ...
Acta Materialia 213, 116955, 2021
Damage evaluation in graphene underlying atomic layer deposition dielectrics
X Tang, N Reckinger, O Poncelet, P Louette, F Ureńa, H Idrissi, S Turner, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13523, 2015
Mechanical resonance of the austenite/martensite interface and the pinning of the martensitic microstructures by dislocations in
EKH Salje, H Zhang, H Idrissi, D Schryvers, MA Carpenter, X Moya, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (13), 134114, 2009
Synergistic effects altering reaction pathways: The case of glucose hydrogenation over Fe-Ni catalysts
Y Fu, L Ding, ML Singleton, H Idrissi, S Hermans
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 288, 119997, 2021
High temperature rise dominated cracking mechanisms in ultra-ductile and tough titanium alloy
L Choisez, L Ding, M Marteleur, H Idrissi, T Pardoen, PJ Jacques
Nature communications 11 (1), 2110, 2020
Texture-dependent twin formation in nanocrystalline thin Pd films
B Wang, H Idrissi, H Shi, MS Colla, S Michotte, JP Raskin, T Pardoen, ...
Scripta Materialia 66 (11), 866-871, 2012
30° Si (g) partial dislocation mobility in nitrogen-doped 4H-SiC
H Idrissi, B Pichaud, G Regula, M Lancin
Journal of applied physics 101 (11), 2007
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Articles 1–20