Wei-Feng Xue
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Nucleation of protein fibrillation by nanoparticles
S Linse, C Cabaleiro-Lago, WF Xue, I Lynch, S Lindman, E Thulin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (21), 8691-8696, 2007
Systematic analysis of nucleation-dependent polymerization reveals new insights into the mechanism of amyloid self-assembly
WF Xue, SW Homans, SE Radford
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (26), 8926-8931, 2008
Fibril fragmentation enhances amyloid cytotoxicity
WF Xue, AL Hellewell, WS Gosal, SW Homans, EW Hewitt, SE Radford
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (49), 34272-34282, 2009
Direct three-dimensional visualization of membrane disruption by amyloid fibrils
L Milanesi, T Sheynis, WF Xue, EV Orlova, AL Hellewell, R Jelinek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (50), 20455-20460, 2012
Solution structure of a bacterial microcompartment targeting peptide and its application in the construction of an ethanol bioreactor
AD Lawrence, S Frank, S Newnham, MJ Lee, IR Brown, WF Xue, ...
ACS synthetic biology 3 (7), 454-465, 2014
Engineered synthetic scaffolds for organizing proteins within the bacterial cytoplasm
MJ Lee, J Mantell, L Hodgson, D Alibhai, JM Fletcher, IR Brown, S Frank, ...
Nature chemical biology 14 (2), 142-147, 2018
Salting the charged surface: pH and salt dependence of protein G B1 stability
S Lindman, WF Xue, O Szczepankiewicz, MC Bauer, H Nilsson, S Linse
Biophysical journal 90 (8), 2911-2921, 2006
Fibril fragmentation in amyloid assembly and cytotoxicity: When size matters
WF Xue, AL Hellewell, EW Hewitt, SE Radford
Prion 4 (1), 20-25, 2010
The involvement of dityrosine crosslinking in α-synuclein assembly and deposition in Lewy Bodies in Parkinson’s disease
YK Al-Hilaly, L Biasetti, BJF Blakeman, SJ Pollack, S Zibaee, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 39171, 2016
The relationship between amyloid structure and cytotoxicity
KE Marshall, R Marchante, WF Xue, LC Serpell
Prion 8 (2), 192-196, 2014
Amyloid fibril length distribution quantified by atomic force microscopy single-particle image analysis
WF Xue, SW Homans, SE Radford
Protein Engineering Design and Selection 22 (8), 489-496, 2009
Tau (297‐391) forms filaments that structurally mimic the core of paired helical filaments in Alzheimer’s disease brain
YK Al‐Hilaly, BE Foster, L Biasetti, L Lutter, SJ Pollack, JE Rickard, ...
FEBS letters 594 (5), 944-950, 2020
An Imaging and Systems Modeling Approach to Fibril Breakage Enables Prediction of Amyloid Behavior
WF Xue, SE Radford
Biophysical Journal 105 (12), 2811-2819, 2013
A cell culture platform for Cryptosporidium that enables long-term cultivation and new tools for the systematic investigation of its biology
CN Miller, L Jossé, I Brown, B Blakeman, J Povey, L Yiangou, M Price, ...
International journal for parasitology 48 (3-4), 197-201, 2018
β2-Microglobulin Amyloid Fibrils Are Nanoparticles That Disrupt Lysosomal Membrane Protein Trafficking and Inhibit Protein Degradation by Lysosomes
T Jakhria, AL Hellewell, MY Porter, MP Jackson, KW Tipping, WF Xue, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (52), 35781-35794, 2014
On the structural diversity and individuality of polymorphic amyloid protein assemblies
L Lutter, LD Aubrey, WF Xue
Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (20), 167124, 2021
Electrostatic contributions to the kinetics and thermodynamics of protein assembly
D Dell’Orco, WF Xue, E Thulin, S Linse
Biophysical journal 88 (3), 1991-2002, 2005
The molecular lifecycle of amyloid–Mechanism of assembly, mesoscopic organisation, polymorphism, suprastructures, and biological consequences
L Lutter, CJ Serpell, MF Tuite, WF Xue
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1867 (11), 140257, 2019
Quantification of amyloid fibril polymorphism by nano-morphometry reveals the individuality of filament assembly
LD Aubrey, BJF Blakeman, L Lutter, CJ Serpell, MF Tuite, LC Serpell, ...
Communications Chemistry 3 (1), 125, 2020
β2-Microglobulin Amyloid Fibril-Induced Membrane Disruption Is Enhanced by Endosomal Lipids and Acidic pH
SC Goodchild, T Sheynis, R Thompson, KW Tipping, WF Xue, NA Ranson, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e104492, 2014
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Articles 1–20