Miguel A. Teruel
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Diagnosis and prognosis of mental disorders by means of EEG and deep learning: a systematic mapping study
MJ Rivera, MA Teruel, A Mate, J Trujillo
Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-43, 2022
Improving sustainability of smart cities through visualization techniques for big data from IoT devices
A Lavalle, MA Teruel, A Maté, J Trujillo
Sustainability 12 (14), 5595, 2020
Applying thematic analysis to define an awareness interpretation for collaborative computer games
MA Teruel, E Navarro, P González, V López-Jaquero, F Montero
Information and Software Technology 74, 17-44, 2016
Analyzing the understandability of Requirements Engineering languages for CSCW systems: A family of experiments
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, J Jaen, P González
Information and Software Technology 54 (11), 1215-1228, 2012
Ambient intelligence environment for home cognitive telerehabilitation
M Oliver, MA Teruel, JP Molina, D Romero-Ayuso, P González
Sensors 18 (11), 3671, 2018
A CSCW requirements engineering CASE tool: development and usability evaluation
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Information and Software Technology 56 (8), 922-949, 2014
CSRML: A Goal-Oriented Approach to Model Requirements for Collaborative Systems
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2011, 33-46, 2011
Comparing Goal-Oriented Approaches to Model Requirements for CSCW
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering 275, 169-184, 2013
An innovative tool to create neurofeedback games for ADHD treatment
MA Teruel, E Navarro, D Romero, M García, A Fernández-Caballero, ...
Natural and Artificial Computation for Biomedicine and Neuroscience …, 2017
Influence awareness: considering motivation in computer-assisted rehabilitation
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, MA Teruel
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 (6), 2185-2197, 2019
A methodology to automatically translate user requirements into visualizations: Experimental validation
A Lavalle, A Maté, J Trujillo, MA Teruel, S Rizzi
Information and Software Technology 136, 106592, 2021
The new era of business intelligence applications: Building from a collaborative point of view
MA Teruel, A Maté, E Navarro, P González, JC Trujillo
Business & Information Systems Engineering 61, 615-634, 2019
A comprehensive framework for modeling requirements of CSCW systems
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López‐Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 29 (5), e1858, 2017
An Empirical Evaluation of Requirement Engineering Techniques for Collaborative Systems
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
15th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software …, 2011
Fostering sustainability through visualization techniques for real-time IoT data: a case study based on gas turbines for electricity production
A Lavalle, MA Teruel, A Maté, J Trujillo
Sensors 20 (16), 4556, 2020
A Comparative of Goal-oriented Approaches to Modelling Requirements for Collaborative Systems.
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, FM Simarro, P González
ENASE, 131-142, 2011
Feature engineering of EEG applied to mental disorders: a systematic mapping study
S García-Ponsoda, J García-Carrasco, MA Teruel, A Maté, J Trujillo
Applied Intelligence 53 (20), 23203-23243, 2023
CSRML4BI: a goal-oriented requirements approach for collaborative business intelligence
MA Teruel, R Tardío, E Navarro, A Maté, P González, J Trujillo, ...
Conceptual Modeling: 33rd International Conference, ER 2014, Atlanta, GA …, 2014
Assessing the impact of the awareness level on a co-operative game
MA Teruel, N Condori-Fernandez, E Navarro, P González, P Lago
Information and Software Technology 98, 89-116, 2018
Multisensory treatment of the hemispatial neglect by means of virtual reality and haptic techniques
MA Teruel, M Oliver, F Montero, E Navarro, P González
Artificial Computation in Biology and Medicine: International Work …, 2015
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