Kilavo Hassan
Kilavo Hassan
Lecturer, The University of Dodoma, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
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Cited by
First results of phase 3 trial of RTS, S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African children
RTS, S Clinical Trials Partnership
New England Journal of Medicine 365 (20), 1863-1875, 2011
A comparative study on performance of SVM and CNN in Tanzania sign language translation using image recognition
K Myagila, H Kilavo
Applied Artificial Intelligence 36 (1), 2005297, 2022
Reverse social engineering to counter social engineering in mobile money theft: A Tanzanian context
H Kilavo, L J. Mselle, R I. Rais, SI Mrutu
Journal of Applied Security Research 18 (3), 546-558, 2023
Practical applicability of user experience capability/maturity models in the development processes of free and open-source software: a systematic literature review
P Namayala, T Kondo, M Manyilizu, K Hassan
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (5), 596-623, 2023
Forward error correction for storage media: An overview
K Hassan, K Michael, SI Mrutu
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 2015
Fuel Adulteration in Tanzania and its Consequencies: An Overview
E Massawe, H Kilavo, A Sam
Rjeas, 2013
A system for monitoring and reporting excessive passengers in public buses case study: Tanzania
K Hassan, A Sam, D Machuve
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 2 (8), 2342-2347, 2013
Overview on passengers overload control in public buses case study
K Hassan, A Sam, D Machuve
Tanzania International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN …, 2013
Design of soft viterbi algorithm decoder enhanced with non-transmittable codewords for storage media
K Hassan, K Michael, SI Mrutu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10518, 2017
Performance of soft viterbi decoder enhanced with non-transmittable codewords for storage media
K Hassan, K Michael, SI Mrutu
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1426538, 2018
Algorithm to identify location of incidents in public buses and respective nearest authority using spherical cosine rule
K Hassan, A Sam, D Machuve
International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering …, 2013
Securing Relational Databases against Security Vulnerabilities: A Case of Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL
H Kilavo, SI Mrutu, RG Dudu
Journal of Applied Security Research 18 (3), 421-435, 2023
The impact of teaching computer programming in Tanzanian primary schools
H Kilavo, TS Kondo, F Hassan
Interactive Learning Environments 32 (3), 1159-1170, 2024
A Dual Band Frequency Reconfigurable Metasurface Antenna
GS Ulomi, H Kilavo
Handbook of Research on Nurturing Industrial Economy for Africa’s …, 2021
Massive MIMO-Based Network Planning and Performance Evaluation for High Speed Broadband Connection in Rural Areas of Tanzania
M Mwalongo, K Hassan
Handbook of Research on Nurturing Industrial Economy for Africa’s …, 2021
Performance Comparison between Massive MIMO Based Network and Conventional LTE Network for High Speed Broadband Connection in Rural Areas of Tanzania
M Mwalongo, H Kilavo
Journal of ICT Systems 1 (1), 44-56, 2023
Electrical & Electronic Engineering| Research Article Performance Of Soft Viterbi Decoder Enhanced With Non-Transmittable Codewords For Storage Media
K Hassan, K Michael, S Mrutu
Cogent Engineering, 2018
Evaluating and proposing mechanisms to secure relational databases against security vulnerabilities. A case of PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL server
RG Dudu
The University of Dodoma, 0
Performance analysis of mitigation techniques for electromagnetic interference between fm band broadcasting services and aeronautical communication systems
K William
The University of Dodoma, 0
Analysis of the impact of soil electrical conductivity on magnetic inductiion-based communication between underground and aboveground network devices
E Mahenge
The University of Dodoma, 0
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Articles 1–20