Helmut Z. Baumert
Helmut Z. Baumert
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Zitiert von
The formation of estuarine turbidity maxima due to density effects in the salt wedge. A hydrodynamic process study
H Burchard, H Baumert
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (2), 309-321, 1998
On the performance of a mixed‐layer model based on the κ‐ε turbulence closure
H Burchard, H Baumert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C5), 8523-8540, 1995
Second‐moment closures and length scales for weakly stratified turbulent shear flows
H Baumert, H Peters
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C3), 6453-6468, 2000
Marine turbulence: theories, observations, and models
HZ Baumert, JH Simpson, J Sündermann
Cambridge University Press, 2005
Hysteresis of turbulent kinetic energy in nonrotational tidal flows: A model study
H Baumert, G Radach
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 97 (C3), 3669-3677, 1992
Performance of two-equation turbulence closures in three-dimensional simulations of the Red Sea overflow
M Ilıcak, TM Özgökmen, H Peters, HZ Baumert, M Iskandarani
Ocean Modelling 24 (3-4), 122-139, 2008
Turbulence closure, steady state, and collapse into waves
H Baumert, H Peters
Journal of physical oceanography 34 (2), 505-512, 2004
The role of temperature, cellular quota and nutrient concentrations for photosynthesis, growth and light–dark acclimation in phytoplankton
HZ Baumert, T Petzoldt
Limnologica 38 (3-4), 313-326, 2008
Modelling and numerical simulation of turbulence, waves and suspended sediments for pre-operational use in coastal seas
H Baumert, G Chapalain, H Smaoui, JP McManus, H Yagi, M Regener, ...
Coastal Engineering 41 (1-3), 63-93, 2000
On the theory of photosynthesis and growth in phytoplankton. Part I: Light limitation and constant temperature
H Baumert
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 81 (1), 109-139, 1996
Modelling the effects of thermal stratification on the oxygen budget of an impounded river
A Becker, V Kirchesch, HZ Baumert, H Fischer, A Schöl
River Research and Applications 26 (5), 572-588, 2010
Universal equations and constants of turbulent motion
HZ Baumert
Physica Scripta 2013 (T155), 014001, 2013
Theory of the upper limit to phytoplankton production per unit area in natural waters
H Baumert, D Uhlmann
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 68 (6), 753-783, 1983
Validating a turbulence closure against estuarine microstructure measurements
H Peters, HZ Baumert
Ocean Modelling 19 (3-4), 183-203, 2007
Turbulence closure: turbulence, waves and the wave-turbulence transition–Part 1: Vanishing mean shear
HZ Baumert, H Peters
Ocean Science 5 (1), 47-58, 2009
Very large eddy simulation of the Red Sea overflow
M Ilıcak, TM Özgökmen, H Peters, HZ Baumert, M Iskandarani
Ocean Modelling 20 (2), 183-206, 2008
Modelling and computation of water quality problems in river networks
H Baumert, P Braun, E Glos, WD Müller, G Stoyan
Optimization Techniques: Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Conference on …, 2005
SALMO: Die ökologische Komponente des gekoppelten Modells
T Petzoldt, S Rolinski, K Rinke, M König, HZ Baumert, J Benndorf
Wasserwirtschaft 95 (5), 28-33, 2005
Das physikalisch-ökologisch gekoppelte Talsperrenmodell
S Rolinski, T Petzoldt, HZ Baumert, K Bigalke, H Horn, J Benndorf
Wasserwirtschaft 95 (5), 34-38, 2005
A novel two-equation turbulence closure for high Reynolds numbers. Part B: spatially non-uniform conditions
H Baumert
Marine Turbulence, Theories, Observations and Models, edited by Baumert, H …, 2005
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