Midhun Parakkal Unni
Cited by
Cited by
Data-Driven prediction of freezing of gait events from stepping data
M Parakkal Unni, PP Menon, L Livi, MR Wilson, WR Young, ...
Frontiers in Medical Technology 2, 581264, 2020
Method and system for estimation of stress of a person using photoplethysmography
MP Unni, S Jayaraman, B Purushothaman
US Patent 10,881,345, 2021
Ankle push-off based mathematical model for freezing of gait in parkinson's disease
M Parakkal Unni, PP Menon, MR Wilson, K Tsaneva-Atanasova
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 552635, 2020
Neuromechanical cost functionals governing motor control for early screening of motor disorders
MP Unni, A Sinha, K Chakravarty, D Chatterjee, A Das
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 5, 78, 2017
Memory reduction for numerical solution of differential equations using compressive sensing
MP Unni, MG Chandra, AA Kumar
2017 IEEE 13th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its …, 2017
Non-invasive Blood Pressure estimation using constitutive model from the radial artery pulse
MP Unni, S Jayaraman, B P
2nd International Conference on Biomedical Systems, Signals and Images, 4, 2016
Modelling and analysis of Parkinsonian gait
M Parakkal Unni, PP Menon
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (1), 753-769, 2023
Mathematical modelling and Data Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease Gait
M Parakkal Unni
University of Exeter, 2022
Method and device for continuous blood pressure monitoring and estimation
S Jayaraman, B Purushothaman, MP Unni, A Sinha, A Pal, ...
US Patent 11,219,378, 2022
Systems and methods for optimizing a joint cost function and detecting neuro muscular profiles thereof
MP UNNI, A Sinha, K Chakravarty, D Chatterjee, A Das
US Patent App. 16/159,245, 2019
A Model Based Inference Engine for Stress Estimation
MP Unni, J Srinivasan, P Balamuralidhar
2017 International Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSigSys …, 2017
Time frequency Analysis on heart rate variability signal during a mental arithmetic task for stress detection
MP Unni, R Sinha, B P
38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2016
A computational model for sympathetically mediated stress estimation
MP Unni, S Jayaraman, B P
38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2016
Systematic approach to comparative decision making -Using pseudoinverses
MP Unni, A Mathivathanan …, 2012
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Articles 1–14