Craig V. W. Lewis
Craig V. W. Lewis
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Coupling of an individual‐based population dynamic model of Calanus finmarchicus to a circulation model for the Georges Bank region
CB Miller, DR Lynch, F Carlotti, W Gentleman, CVW Lewis
Fisheries Oceanography 7 (3‐4), 219-234, 1998
Results from a three‐dimensional, nested biological‐physical model of the California Current System and comparisons with statistics from satellite imagery
TM Powell, CVW Lewis, EN Curchitser, DB Haidvogel, AJ Hermann, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C7), 2006
Modeling iron limitation of primary production in the coastal Gulf of Alaska
J Fiechter, AM Moore, CA Edwards, KW Bruland, E Di Lorenzo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (24), 2503-2519, 2009
Can Georges Bank larval cod survive on a calanoid diet?
DR Lynch, CVW Lewis, FE Werner
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 48 (1-3), 609-630, 2001
Real-time data assimilative modeling on Georges Bank
DR Lynch, CE Naimie, JT Ip, CV Lewis, FE Werner, RA Luettich Jr, ...
Oceanography 14 (SPL. ISS. 1), 65-77, 2001
Population structure and recruitment of the bivalve Arctica islandica (Linnaeus, 1767) on Georges Bank from 1980-1999
CVW Lewis, JR Weinberg, CS Davis
Journal of Shellfish Research 20 (3), 1135-1144, 2001
Improved ocean prediction skill and reduced uncertainty in the coastal region from multi-model super-ensembles
M Rixen, JW Book, A Carta, V Grandi, L Gualdesi, R Stoner, P Ranelli, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 78, S282-S289, 2009
Wind forced biological-physical interactions on an isolated offshore bank
CVW Lewis, CS Davis, G Gawarkiewicz
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 41 (1), 51-73, 1994
Effect of winter wind variability on plankton transport over Georges Bank
CVW Lewis, C Chen, CS Davis
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 48 (1-3), 137-158, 2001
Possible food caching and defence in the Weddell seal: observations from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
SL Kim, K Conlan, DP Malone, CV Lewis
Antarctic Science 17 (1), 71-72, 2005
A hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation scheme with systematic error correction for limited-area ocean models
P Oddo, A Storto, S Dobricic, A Russo, C Lewis, R Onken, E Coelho
Ocean Science 12 (5), 1137-1153, 2016
Biological-physical interactions on Georges Bank: plankton transport and population dynamics of the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica
CVW Lewis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Observations of internal tidal dynamics Southwest of Malta in the central Mediterranean Sea
PM Poulain, P Oddo, G Pennucci, C Lewis, J Sliwka, TF Duda, A Drago
Continental Shelf Research 254, 104922, 2023
High-frequency dynamics near the shelf break southwest of Svalbard
PM Poulain, E Cozzani, G Pennucci, C Lewis, C Lathuiliere, L Bordoix, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15215, 2020
An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of the South Portion of the California Current and Ecosystem Using ROMS
AM Moore, E Dilorenzo, HG Arango, CV Lewis, TM Powell, AJ Miller, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2005, OS44A-07, 2005
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mesozooplankton in Idealized Models of Coastal Upwelling Systems
HP Batchelder, CA Edwards, CV Lewis, TM Powell, D Haidvogel
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Articles 1–16