João Pedro Gouveia
Cited by
Cited by
Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming
P Hawken, K Wilkinson, C Frischmann, R Allard, K Bayuk, JP Gouveia, ...
Penguin, 2017
Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action
JP Gouveia, P Palma, SG Simoes
Energy Reports 5, 187-201, 2019
Energy poverty policies and measures in 5 EU countries: A comparative study
I Kyprianou, DK Serghides, A Varo, JP Gouveia, D Kopeva, L Murauskaite
Energy and Buildings 196, 46-60, 2019
Unraveling electricity consumption profiles in households through clusters: Combining smart meters and door-to-door surveys
JP Gouveia, J Seixas
Energy and buildings 116, 666-676, 2016
European energy poverty metrics: Scales, prospects and limits
S Sareen, H Thomson, ST Herrero, JP Gouveia, I Lippert, A Lis
Global Transitions 2, 26-36, 2020
Energy poverty in Portugal: Combining vulnerability mapping with household interviews
A Horta, JP Gouveia, L Schmidt, JC Sousa, P Palma, S Simões
Energy and Buildings 203, 109423, 2019
Mining households' energy data to disclose fuel poverty: Lessons for Southern Europe
JP Gouveia, J Seixas, G Long
Journal of Cleaner Production 178, 534-550, 2018
Interplay between the potential of photovoltaic systems and agricultural land use
L Dias, JP Gouveia, P Lourenço, J Seixas
Land use policy 81, 725-735, 2019
Projections of energy services demand for residential buildings: Insights from a bottom-up methodology
JP Gouveia, P Fortes, J Seixas
Energy 47 (1), 430-442, 2012
Mapping the energy performance gap of dwelling stock at high-resolution scale: Implications for thermal comfort in Portuguese households
P Palma, JP Gouveia, SG Simoes
Energy and Buildings 190, 246-261, 2019
Electricity, the silver bullet for the deep decarbonisation of the energy system? Cost-effectiveness analysis for Portugal
P Fortes, SG Simoes, JP Gouveia, J Seixas
Applied Energy 237, 292-303, 2019
Energy poverty and emerging debates: Beyond the traditional triangle of energy poverty drivers
A Stojilovska, R Guyet, K Mahoney, JP Gouveia, R Castaño-Rosa, ...
Energy Policy 169, 113181, 2022
Effects of renewables penetration on the security of Portuguese electricity supply
JP Gouveia, L Dias, I Martins, J Seixas
Applied Energy 123, 438-447, 2014
Positive energy district: A model for historic districts to address energy poverty
JP Gouveia, J Seixas, P Palma, H Duarte, H Luz, GB Cavadini
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3, 648473, 2021
Improving energy poverty measurement in southern European regions through equivalization of modeled energy costs
I Antepara, L Papada, JP Gouveia, N Katsoulakos, D Kaliampakos
Sustainability 12 (14), 5721, 2020
Daily electricity consumption profiles from smart meters-Proxies of behavior for space heating and cooling
JP Gouveia, J Seixas, A Mestre
Energy 141, 108-122, 2017
Cooling degree models and future energy demand in the residential sector. A seven-country case study
R Castaño-Rosa, R Barrella, C Sánchez-Guevara, R Barbosa, ...
Sustainability 13 (5), 2987, 2021
Harvesting big data from residential building energy performance certificates: Retrofitting and climate change mitigation insights at a regional scale
JP Gouveia, P Palma
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 095007, 2019
InSmart – A methodology for combining modelling with stakeholder input towards EU cities decarbonisation
G Simoes, S.G., Dias, L., Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J., De Miglio, R., Chiodi ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 231, 428-445, 2019
An Integrated Planning Framework for the Development of Sustainable and Resilient Cities - The Case of the InSMART Project.
G Gargiulo, M., Chiodi, A., De Miglio, R., Simoes, S., Long, G., Pollard, M ...
Procedia Engineering 198, 444-453, 2017
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Articles 1–20