Dr.Sonia Pawaria
Dr.Sonia Pawaria
Gurugram University
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Effect of pilates on lower limb strength, dynamic balance, agility and coordination skills in aspiring state level badminton players
KS Preeti, J Yadav, S Pawaria
J Clin Diagnostic Res 13 (7), 1-6, 2019
A comparative study of circuit training and plyometric training on strength, speed and agility in state level lawn tennis players
N Mohanta, S Kalra, S Pawaria
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 13 (12), 5-10, 2019
Effectiveness of cervical stabilization exercises with feedback on respiratory status in chronic neck pain patients with forward head posture
S Pawaria, DS Sudan, S Kalra, J Yadav
Comparing effectiveness of myofascial release and muscle stretching on pain, disability and cervical range of motion in patients with trapezius myofascial trigger points
S Pawaria, S Kalra
Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Care 2 (1), 8-13, 2015
Effectiveness of Cervical Stabilisation Exercises on Respiratory Strength in Chronic Neck Pain Patients with Forward Head Posture- A Pilot Study
DSS Sonia Pawaria
Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 13 (4), 6-9, 2019
Study on cardio-respiratory fitness of physiotherapy students: A cross-sectional study
S Pawaria, S Kalra, S Pal
International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2 (4), 22-24, 2017
Effects of aerobic versus resistance training on blood pressure in hypertensive patients
S Swati, SK Sonia
J Anesth Crit Care Open Access 3 (3), 1-6, 2015
Effect of inspiratory muscle training and diaphragmatic breathing exercises on dyspnea, pulmonary functions, fatigue and functional capacity in pregnancy during third trimester
M Amola, S Pawara, S Kalra
J Clin Diagnostic Res 13 (8), 1-4, 2019
A Literature Review on Common Injuries and Their Prevention in Kabaddi
S Pal, S Kalra, S Kumar, S Pawaria, P Rishi
European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science 9 (1), 01-09, 2020
Prevalence of iron deficiency with or without anemia in female athletes—a review
S Pal, P Rishi, S Pawaria, J Das, N Relayach
Eur J Mol Clin Med 7 (11), 2586-2595, 2020
Comparative Study of Wobble Board and Bosu Ball along with Strength Training on Lower Limb Strength, Dynamic Balance, Agility and Functional Performance of Runners with Lateral …
S KALRA, S Pal, S Pawaria, J Yadav
Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 15 (5), 2021
Effect of mechanical neck pain with forward head posture on scapula position in primary school teachers.
J Kataria, B Sindhu, S Pawaria
Effectiveness of Pursed Lip Breathing Versus Mouth Mask on Dyspnea and Functional Capacity in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
SK Shivangi Sachdeva, Sonia Pawaria
International Journal of Health Sciences & Research 8 (9), 94-101, 2018
Correlational study of chronic neck pain and hand grip strength in physiotherapy practitioners
S Sheetal Kalra, Sajjan Pal
International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education 2 (4), 30-32, 2017
Effects of Muscle Energy Technique versus Mobilization on Pain and Disability in Post-Partum Females with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
SK Shivangi Sachdeva, Sonia Pawaria
Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Care 5 (1), 11-17, 2018
Effect of pursed lip breathing and mouth mask on dyspnea in healthy individuals-A pilot study
S Sachdeva, S Pawaria, S Kalra
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 8 (7), 135-140, 2018
Kinesio taping with ballistic six plyometric training on speed, accuracy, target and joint proprioception in fast bowlers with glenohumeral instability
M Saran, S Pawaria, S Kalra
Comparative Exercise Physiology 18 (4), 357-363, 2022
Effect of mechanical neck pain on neck disability and scapula position among school teachers in Delhi and NCR
J Kataria, B Sindhu, S Pawaria
Int J Pharm Sci Res 12, 1260-5, 2021
Telerehabilitation services in India: an integrated SWOT and AHP analysis
S Kalra, P Ajmera, V Chorsiya, S Yadav, S Pawaria, RK Goyal
Int J Physiother 8 (3), 170-176, 2021
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis in Weight Lifter: A Case Report
SP Sajjan Pal, Sheetal Kalra
International Journal of Health Sciences & Research 8 (5), 428-433, 2018
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