Winston Seah
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Cited by
Wireless sensor networks powered by ambient energy harvesting (WSN-HEAP)-Survey and challenges
WKG Seah, ZA Eu, HP Tan
2009 1st International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular …, 2009
A survey of techniques and challenges in underwater localization
HP Tan, R Diamant, WKG Seah, M Waldmeyer
Ocean Engineering 38 (14-15), 1663-1676, 2011
A flexible quality of service model for mobile ad-hoc networks
H Xiao, WKG Seah, A Lo, KC Chua
VTC2000-Spring. 2000 IEEE 51st Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings …, 2000
Localization in underwater sensor networks: survey and challenges
V Chandrasekhar, WKG Seah, YS Choo, HV Ee
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Underwater Networks, 33-40, 2006
Reliability in wireless sensor networks: A survey and challenges ahead
MA Mahmood, WKG Seah, I Welch
Computer networks 79, 166-187, 2015
A review of nanogrid topologies and technologies
D Burmester, R Rayudu, W Seah, D Akinyele
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 67, 760-775, 2017
Cooperative packet caching and shortest multipath routing in mobile ad hoc networks
A Valera, WKG Seah, SV Rao
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Design and performance analysis of MAC schemes for wireless sensor networks powered by ambient energy harvesting
ZA Eu, HP Tan, WKG Seah
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (3), 300-323, 2011
Mobility-based d-hop clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
II Er, WKG Seah
2004 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
An area localization scheme for underwater sensor networks
V Chandrasekhar, W Seah
OCEANS 2006-Asia Pacific, 1-8, 2006
Multipath virtual sink architecture for underwater sensor networks
WKG Seah, HX Tan
OCEANS 2006 - Asia Pacific, 2007
Opportunistic routing in wireless sensor networks powered by ambient energy harvesting
ZA Eu, HP Tan, WKG Seah
Computer Networks 54 (17), 2943-2966, 2010
Security threats and solutions in MANETs: A case study using AODV and SAODV
J Von Mulert, I Welch, WKG Seah
Journal of network and computer applications 35 (4), 1249-1259, 2012
Application domain-based overview of IoT network traffic characteristics
A Pekar, J Mocnej, WKG Seah, I Zolotova
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (4), 1-33, 2020
Opportunistic routing–A review and the challenges ahead
CJ Hsu, HI Liu, WKG Seah
Computer Networks 55 (15), 3592-3603, 2011
Improving fairness among TCP flows crossing wireless ad hoc and wired networks
L Yang, WKG Seah, Q Yin
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2003
Density-aware hop-count localization (DHL) in wireless sensor networks with variable density
SY Wong, JG Lim, SV Rao, WKG Seah
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2005 3, 1848-1853, 2005
Routing and relay node placement in wireless sensor networks powered by ambient energy harvesting
ZA Eu, HP Tan, WKG Seah
2009 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference, 1-6, 2009
Improving protocol robustness in ad hoc networks through cooperative packet caching and shortest multipath routing
AC Valera, WKG Seah, SV Rao
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 4 (5), 443-457, 2005
TCP HACK: TCP header checksum option to improve performance over lossy links
RK Balan, BP Lee, KRR Kumar, L Jacob, WKG Seah, AL Ananda
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
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Articles 1–20