Yoav Paas
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Cited by
The macro-and microarchitectures of the ligand-binding domain of glutamate receptors
Y Paas
Trends in neurosciences 21 (3), 117-125, 1998
Expression of GTP-dependent and GTP-independent tissue-type transglutaminase in cytokine-treated rat brain astrocytes
A Monsonego, Y Shani, I Friedmann, Y Paas, O Eizenberg, M Schwartz
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (6), 3724-3732, 1997
Identification of the amino acid subsets accounting for the ligand binding specificity of a glutamate receptor
Y Paas, M Eisenstein, F Medevielle, VI Teichberg, A Devillers-Thiéry
Neuron 17 (5), 979-990, 1996
Identification of an extracellular motif involved in the binding of guanine nucleotides by a glutamate receptor.
Y Paas, A Devillers‐Thiéry, JP Changeux, F Medevielle, VI Teichberg
The EMBO journal 15 (7), 1548-1556, 1996
Pore conformations and gating mechanism of a Cys-loop receptor
Y Paas, G Gibor, R Grailhe, N Savatier-Duclert, V Dufresne, M Sunesen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (44), 15877-15882, 2005
Oral administration of a dual analog of two myasthenogenic T cell epitopes down-regulates experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice
M Paas-Rozner, M Dayan, Y Paas, JP Changeux, I Wirguin, M Sela, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (5), 2168-2173, 2000
Protease-activatable pore-forming polypeptides
Y Paas, I Pittel, U Nir, B Ben-David
US Patent 9,073,990, 2015
KCNE1 constrains the voltage sensor of Kv7. 1 K+ channels
L Shamgar, Y Haitin, I Yisharel, E Malka, H Schottelndreier, A Peretz, ...
PLoS One 3 (4), e1943, 2008
Long-term exposure to nicotine modulates the level and activity of acetylcholine receptors in white blood cells of smokers and model mice
A Cormier, Y Paas, R Zini, JP Tillement, G Lagrue, JP Changeux, ...
Molecular pharmacology 66 (6), 1712-1718, 2004
Illuminating spatial A-to-I RNA editing signatures within the Drosophila brain
AL Sapiro, A Shmueli, GL Henry, Q Li, T Shalit, O Yaron, Y Paas, J Billy Li, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (6), 2318-2327, 2019
Electron microscopic evidence for nucleation and growth of 3D acetylcholine receptor microcrystals in structured lipid–detergent matrices
Y Paas, J Cartaud, M Recouvreur, R Grailhe, V Dufresne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (20), 11309-11314, 2003
Shedding of tyrosine and serine/threonine ecto-protein kinases from human leukemic cells
Y Paas, Z Fishelson
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 316 (2), 780-788, 1995
Phosphorylation of the complement component, C9, by an ecto-protein kinase of human leukemic cells
Y Paas, O Bohana-Kashtan, Z Fishelson
Immunopharmacology 42 (1-3), 175-185, 1999
An inactivation gate in the selectivity filter of KCNQ1 potassium channels
G Gibor, D Yakubovich, A Rosenhouse-Dantsker, A Peretz, ...
Biophysical journal 93 (12), 4159-4172, 2007
How well can molecular modelling predict the crystal structure: the case of the ligand-binding domain of glutamate receptors
Y Paas, A Devillers-Thiéry, VI Teichberg, JP Changeux, M Eisenstein
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 21 (3), 87-92, 2000
A ligand binding study of the interactions of guanine nucleotides with non-NMDA receptors
A Gorodinsky, Y Paas, VI Teichberg
Neurochemistry international 23 (3), 285-291, 1993
S1 constrains S4 in the voltage sensor domain of Kv7. 1 K+ channels
Y Haitin, I Yisharel, E Malka, L Shamgar, H Schottelndreier, A Peretz, ...
PLoS One 3 (4), e1935, 2008
Mechanism of Cl-selection by a glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) receptor revealed through mutations in the selectivity filter
M Sunesen, LP De Carvalho, V Dufresne, R Grailhe, N Savatier-Duclert, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (21), 14875-14881, 2006
Distinct subcellular targeting of fluorescent nicotinic α3β4 and serotoninergic 5‐HT3A receptors in hippocampal neurons
R Grailhe, LP De Carvalho, Y Paas, C Le Poupon, M Soudant, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 (4), 855-862, 2004
Subunit stoichiometry and arrangement in a heteromeric glutamate-gated chloride channel
N Degani-Katzav, R Gortler, L Gorodetzki, Y Paas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), E644-E653, 2016
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Articles 1–20