Robert James Barthorpe
Cited by
Cited by
Digital twins: state-of-the-art and future directions for modeling and simulation in engineering dynamics applications
DJ Wagg, K Worden, RJ Barthorpe, P Gardner
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2020
On damage diagnosis for a wind turbine blade using pattern recognition
N Dervilis, M Choi, SG Taylor, RJ Barthorpe, G Park, CR Farrar, K Worden
Journal of sound and vibration 333 (6), 1833-1850, 2014
On model-and data-based approaches to structural health monitoring
RJ Barthorpe
University of Sheffield, 2010
The use of pseudo-faults for novelty detection in SHM
E Papatheou, G Manson, RJ Barthorpe, K Worden
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (12), 2349-2366, 2010
Robust methods of inclusive outlier analysis for structural health monitoring
N Dervilis, EJ Cross, RJ Barthorpe, K Worden
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (20), 5181-5195, 2014
On evolutionary system identification with applications to nonlinear benchmarks
K Worden, RJ Barthorpe, EJ Cross, N Dervilis, GR Holmes, G Manson, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 112, 194-232, 2018
A probabilistic risk-based decision framework for structural health monitoring
AJ Hughes, RJ Barthorpe, N Dervilis, CR Farrar, K Worden
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 150, 107339, 2021
Sensor placement optimization
RJ Barthorpe, K Worden
Encyclopedia of structural health monitoring, 2009
On digital twins, mirrors, and virtualizations: Frameworks for model verification and validation
K Worden, EJ Cross, RJ Barthorpe, DJ Wagg, P Gardner
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2020
Emerging trends in optimal structural health monitoring system design: From sensor placement to system evaluation
RJ Barthorpe, K Worden
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 9 (3), 31, 2020
On risk-based active learning for structural health monitoring
AJ Hughes, LA Bull, P Gardner, RJ Barthorpe, N Dervilis, K Worden
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 167, 108569, 2022
The use of pseudo-faults for damage location in SHM: An experimental investigation on a Piper Tomahawk aircraft wing
E Papatheou, G Manson, RJ Barthorpe, K Worden
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (3), 971-990, 2014
On digital twins, mirrors and virtualisations
K Worden, EJ Cross, P Gardner, RJ Barthorpe, DJ Wagg
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of …, 2020
Robust methods for outlier detection and regression for SHM applications
N Dervilis, I Antoniadou, RJ Barthorpe, EJ Cross, K Worden
International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems 2 (1-2 …, 2015
Identification of hysteretic systems using NARX models, Part I: evolutionary identification
K Worden, RJ Barthorpe
Topics in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 4 …, 2012
Learning model discrepancy: A Gaussian process and sampling-based approach
P Gardner, TJ Rogers, C Lord, RJ Barthorpe
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 152, 107381, 2021
Aircraft parametric structural load monitoring using Gaussian process regression
R Fuentes, E Cross, A Halfpenny, K Worden, RJ Barthorpe
EWSHM-7th European workshop on structural health monitoring, 2014
Novelty detection applied to vibration data from a CX-100 wind turbine blade under fatigue loading
N Dervilis, M Choi, I Antoniadou, KM Farinholt, SG Taylor, RJ Barthorpe, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 382 (1), 012047, 2012
Real-time digital twin updating strategy based on structural health monitoring systems
YC Zhu, D Wagg, E Cross, R Barthorpe
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of …, 2020
Machine learning applications for a wind turbine blade under continuous fatigue loading
N Dervilis, M Choi, I Antoniadou, KM Farinholt, SG Taylor, RJ Barthorpe, ...
Key Engineering Materials 588, 166-174, 2014
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Articles 1–20