jaime gallego vila
jaime gallego vila
Phd on Image Processing/ Computer Vision
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A separate reality: An update on place illusion and plausibility in virtual reality
M Slater, D Banakou, A Beacco, J Gallego, F Macia-Varela, R Oliva
Frontiers in virtual reality 3, 914392, 2022
Glomerulus Classification and Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
J Gallego, A Pedraza, S Lopez, G Steiner, L Gonzalez, A Laurinavicius, ...
Journal of Imaging 4 (1), 2018
Glomerulus classification with convolutional neural networks
A Pedraza, J Gallego, S Lopez, L Gonzalez, A Laurinavicius, G Bueno
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017 …, 2017
Segmentation and tracking of static and moving objects in video surveillance scenarios
J Gallego, M Pardas, JL Landabaso
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2716-2719, 2008
A U-Net based framework to quantify glomerulosclerosis in digitized PAS and H&E stained human tissues
J Gallego, Z Swiderska-Chadaj, T Markiewicz, M Yamashita, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 89, 101865, 2021
Disturbance and plausibility in a virtual rock concert: A pilot study
A Beacco, R Oliva, C Cabreira, J Gallego, M Slater
2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 538-545, 2021
Bayesian foreground segmentation and tracking using pixel-wise background model and region based foreground model
J Gallego, M Pardas, G Haro
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3205-3208, 2009
Deep learning for damaged tissue detection and segmentation in Ki-67 brain tumor specimens based on the U-net model
Z Swiderska-Chadaj, T Markiewicz, J Gallego, G Bueno, B Grala, ...
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, 849-856-849-856, 2018
The sentiment of a virtual rock concert
M Slater, C Cabriera, G Senel, D Banakou, A Beacco, R Oliva, J Gallego
Virtual Reality 27 (2), 651-675, 2023
Enhanced foreground segmentation and tracking combining Bayesian background, shadow and foreground modeling
J Gallego, M Pardās, G Haro
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (12), 1558-1568, 2012
Enhanced bayesian foreground segmentation using brightness and color distortion region-based model for shadow removal
J Gallego, M Pardas
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3449-3452, 2010
Foreground object segmentation for moving camera sequences based on foreground-background probabilistic models and prior probability maps
J Gallego, P Bertolino
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3312-3316, 2014
Region based foreground segmentation combining color and depth sensors via logarithmic opinion pool decision
J Gallego, M Pardās
Journal of visual communication and image representation 25 (1), 184-194, 2014
Joint multi-view foreground segmentation and 3d reconstruction with tolerance loop
J Gallego, J Salvador, JR Casas, M Pardas
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 997-1000, 2011
Detection of Ki67 hot-spots of invasive breast cancer based on convolutional neural networks applied to mutual information of H&E and Ki67 whole slide images
Z Swiderska-Chadaj, J Gallego, L Gonzalez-Lopez, G Bueno
Applied Sciences 10 (21), 7761, 2020
Automatic 3D Character Reconstruction from Frontal and Lateral Monocular 2D RGB Views
A Beacco, J Gallego, M Slater
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2785-2789, 2020
A Separate Reality: An Update on Place Illusion and Plausibility in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 3 (2022)
M Slater, D Banakou, A Beacco, J Gallego, F Macia-Varela, R Oliva
3D objects reconstruction from frontal images: an example with guitars
A Beacco, J Gallego, M Slater
The Visual Computer 39 (11), 5421-5436, 2023
Foreground Objects Segmentation for Moving Camera Scenarios Based on SCGMM
J Gallego, M Pardās, M Solano
Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, 195-206, 2012
The Making of a Newspaper Interview in Virtual Reality: Realistic Avatars, Philosophy, and Sushi
R Oliva, A Beacco, J Gallego, RG Abellan, M Slater
IEEE computer graphics and applications 43 (6), 117-125, 2023
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Articles 1–20