Tony Pridmore
Cited by
Cited by
The visual object tracking vot2015 challenge results
M Kristan, J Matas, A Leonardis, M Felsberg, L Cehovin, G Fernandez, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision …, 2015
Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge
S Bakas, M Reyes, A Jakab, S Bauer, M Rempfler, A Crimi, RT Shinohara, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
Plant phenomics, from sensors to knowledge
F Tardieu, L Cabrera-Bosquet, T Pridmore, M Bennett
Current Biology 27 (15), R770-R783, 2017
Developing X-ray computed tomography to non-invasively image 3-D root systems architecture in soil
SJ Mooney, TP Pridmore, J Helliwell, MJ Bennett
Plant and soil 352, 1-22, 2012
Colocalization of fluorescent markers in confocal microscope images of plant cells
AP French, S Mills, R Swarup, MJ Bennett, TP Pridmore
Nature protocols 3 (4), 619-628, 2008
Agricultural robotics: the future of robotic agriculture
T Duckett, S Pearson, S Blackmore, B Grieve, WH Chen, G Cielniak, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06762, 2018
Deep machine learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping
MP Pound, JA Atkinson, AJ Townsend, MH Wilson, M Griffiths, ...
Gigascience 6 (10), gix083, 2017
Root gravitropism is regulated by a transient lateral auxin gradient controlled by a tipping-point mechanism
LR Band, DM Wells, A Larrieu, J Sun, AM Middleton, AP French, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), 4668-4673, 2012
RooTrak: automated recovery of three-dimensional plant root architecture in soil from X-ray microcomputed tomography images using visual tracking
S Mairhofer, S Zappala, SR Tracy, C Sturrock, M Bennett, SJ Mooney, ...
Plant physiology 158 (2), 561-569, 2012
RootNav: navigating images of complex root architectures
MP Pound, AP French, JA Atkinson, DM Wells, MJ Bennett, T Pridmore
Plant physiology 162 (4), 1802-1814, 2013
Classroom collaboration in the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling
D Stanton, V Bayon, H Neale, A Ghali, S Benford, S Cobb, R Ingram, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2001
High-throughput quantification of root growth using a novel image-analysis tool
A French, S Ubeda-Tomás, TJ Holman, MJ Bennett, T Pridmore
Plant physiology 150 (4), 1784-1795, 2009
Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism
D Dietrich, L Pang, A Kobayashi, JA Fozard, V Boudolf, R Bhosale, ...
Nature plants 3 (6), 1-8, 2017
Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex
LR Band, DM Wells, JA Fozard, T Ghetiu, AP French, MP Pound, ...
The Plant Cell 26 (3), 862-875, 2014
Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction
S Benford, H Schnädelbach, B Koleva, R Anastasi, C Greenhalgh, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 12 (1), 3-30, 2005
Deep learning for multi-task plant phenotyping
MP Pound, JA Atkinson, DM Wells, TP Pridmore, AP French
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Knowledge-directed interpretation of mechanical engineering drawings
SH Joseph, TP Pridmore
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 14 (09), 928-940, 1992
Deep convolutional neural networks for image-based Convolvulus sepium detection in sugar beet fields
J Gao, AP French, MP Pound, Y He, TP Pridmore, JG Pieters
Plant methods 16, 1-12, 2020
Recovering complete plant root system architectures from soil via X-ray μ-computed tomography
S Mairhofer, S Zappala, S Tracy, C Sturrock, MJ Bennett, SJ Mooney, ...
Plant methods 9, 1-7, 2013
The visual object tracking vot2016 challenge results
G Roffo, S Melzi
Computer Vision--ECCV 2016 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20