Bruno Van der Linden
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal redistributive taxation with both extensive and intensive responses
L Jacquet, E Lehmann, B Van der Linden
Journal of Economic Theory 148 (5), 1770-1805, 2013
Optimal redistributive taxation in a search equilibrium model
M Hungerbühler, E Lehmann, A Parmentier, B Van der Linden
The Review of Economic Studies 73 (3), 743-767, 2006
Active labour market policies and job tenure
B Cockx, BV Linden, A Karaa
Oxford economic papers 50 (4), 685-708, 1998
Optimal income taxation with endogenous participation and search unemployment
E Lehmann, A Parmentier, B Van der Linden
Journal of Public Economics 95 (11-12), 1523-1537, 2011
Beyond the labour income tax wedge: the unemployment-reducing effect of tax progressivity
E Lehmann, C Lucifora, S Moriconi, B Van der Linden
International Tax and Public Finance 91, 26-44, 2016
On the optimality of search matching equilibrium when workers are risk averse
E Lehmann, B Van der Linden
Journal of Public Economic Theory 9 (5), 867-884, 2007
Is basic income a cure for unemployment in unionized economies? a general equilibrium analysis
B Van der Linden
Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, 81-105, 2002
Imperfect Monitoring of Job Search: Structural Estimation and Policy Design
B Cockx, M Dejemeppe, A Launov, V der Linden Bruno
Journal of Labor Economics, Forthcoming, 2018
Regional Equilibrium Unemployment Theory at the Age of the Internet
V Lutgen, B Van der Linden
Regional Science and Urban Economics 53, 50-67, 2015
Employment subsidies and substitutable skills: An equilibrium matching approach
G Cardullo, B Van der Linden
IZA Discussion Papers, 2006
Labor market policies and equilibrium employment: Theory and application for Belgium
B Van der Linden, E Dor
Institutional and financial incentives for social insurance, 51-71, 2002
Optimal income taxation with Kalai wage bargaining and endogenous participation
L Jacquet, E Lehmann, B Van der Linden
Social Choice and Welfare 42 (2), 381-402, 2013
Equilibrium evaluation of active labor market programmes enhancing matching effectiveness
B Van der Linden, 2005
Chômage : Réduire la fracture
B Van der Linden
Bruno Van der Linden. De Boeck Université, 1997
Le Plan d'Accompagnement et de Suivi des chômeurs favorise-t-il l'insertion en emploi? Bevordert het Plan voor de begeleiding en opvolging van werklozen de overgang naar werk?
B Cockx, M Dejemeppe, B Van der Linden
Regards économiques 49, 2007
Monitoring, sanctions and front-loading of job search in a non-stationary model
B Cockx, M Dejemeppe, A Launov, B Van der Linden
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2011
Search frictions on product and labor markets: Money in the matching function
E Lehmann, B Van der Linden
Macroeconomic Dynamics 14 (1), 56-92, 2010
The normative analysis of tagging revisited: dealing with stigmatization
L Jacquet, B Van der Linden
FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 168-198, 2006
Active citizen's income, unconditional income and participation under imperfect competition: a welfare analysis
B Van der Linden
Oxford Economic Papers 56 (1), 98-117, 2004
Actions du Plan Marshall sur le marché du travail wallon
M Dejemeppe, B Van der Linden
Le plan d’actions prioritaires de la Région wallonne, 41, 2005
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Articles 1–20