Stan De Spiegelaere
Cited by
Cited by
Job insecurity, job autonomy. Innovative Work Behaviour and the mediating effect of work engagement
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, H De Witte, W Niesen, G Van Hootegem
Creativity and Innovation Management 23 (3), 318-330, 2014
Not all autonomy is the same. Different dimensions of job autonomy and their relation to work engagement & innovative work behavior
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 26 (4 …, 2016
Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior: A multi-level study on Karasek's learning hypothesis
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, H De Witte, G Van Hootegem
management revue, 123-137, 2015
The why and the how of working time reduction
S De Spiegelaere, A Piasna
etui, 2017
Innovatief Werkgedrag als concept: definiëring en oriëntering
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
Gedrag & Organisatie 27 (2), 2014
Job design and innovative work behavior: One size does not fit all types of employees
SD Spiegelaere, GV Gyes, GV Hootegem
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 8 (4), 5-20, 2012
Job Design and Innovative Work Behavior: One Size Does Not Fit All Types of Employees
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) 8 (4), 5-20, 2012
Innovative work behaviour and performance-related pay: rewarding the individual or the collective?
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (12), 1900-1919, 2018
Labour flexibility and innovation, complementary or concurrent strategies? A review of the literature
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
Economic and Industrial Democracy 35 (4), 653-666, 2014
Job design and innovative work behavior enabling innovation through active or low-strain jobs?
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, S Vandekerckhove, G Van Hootegem
European Works Councils and SE Works Councils in 2015. Facts and figures
S De Spiegelaere, R Jagodzinski
De Spiegelaere, S., & Jagodziński, 2015
Good employees through good jobs: A latent profile analysis of job types and employee outcomes in the Belgian electricity sector
S De Spiegelaere, M Ramioul, G Van Gyes
Employee Relations 39 (4), 503-522, 2017
The employment relationship and innovative work behaviour
S De Spiegelaere
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, 2014
Mainstreaming Innovation in Europe. Findings on Employee Innovation and Workplace Learning from Belgium
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes, G Van Hootegem
Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE) 17 (4), 20, 2012
Democracy at work
S De Spiegelaere, A Hoffman, R Jagodziński, S Lafuente Hernández, ...
ETUI; Brussels, 2019
European Works Councils: contested and still in the making
S De Spiegelaere, R Jagodzinski, J Waddington
European Trade Union Institute (etui), 2022
Employee-driven innovation and industrial relations
S De Spiegelaere, G Van Gyes
Employee-Driven Innovation: a new approach, 230-245, 2012
Has the recast made a difference? An examination of the content of European Works Council agreements
S De Spiegelaere, J Waddington
European Journal of Industrial Relations 23 (3), 293-308, 2017
Too little, too late? Evaluating the European works councils recast directive
S De Spiegelaere
Evaluating the European Works Councils Recast Directive (July 14, 2016 …, 2016
Working time reduction, work-life balance and gender equality
A Piasna, S De Spiegelaere
Dynamiques régionales, 19-42, 2021
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Articles 1–20