Mehmet U S Ayvaci
Mehmet U S Ayvaci
Associate Professor, Jindal School of Management at University of Texas at Dallas
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Cited by
When algorithmic predictions use human-generated data: A bias-aware classification algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis
ME Ahsen, MUS Ayvaci, S Raghunathan
Information Systems Research 30 (1), 97-116, 2019
The effect of budgetary restrictions on breast cancer diagnostic decisions
MUS Ayvaci, O Alagoz, ES Burnside
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14 (4), 600-617, 2012
Induction therapies in live donor kidney transplantation on tacrolimus and mycophenolate with or without steroid maintenance
B Tanriover, S Zhang, M MacConmara, A Gao, B Sandikci, MUS Ayvaci, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 10 (6), 1041-1049, 2015
Information extraction for clinical data mining: a mammography case study
H Nassif, R Woods, E Burnside, M Ayvaci, J Shavlik, D Page
2009 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 37-42, 2009
Acute rejection rates and graft outcomes according to induction regimen among recipients of kidneys from deceased donors treated with tacrolimus and mycophenolate
B Tanriover, V Jaikaransingh, MP MacConmara, JR Parekh, SL Levea, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11 (9), 1650-1661, 2016
Computer-aided diagnostic models in breast cancer screening
T Ayer, MUS Ayvaci, ZX Liu, O Alagoz, ES Burnside
Imaging in medicine 2 (3), 313, 2010
The impact of health information exchanges on emergency department length of stay
T Ayer, MUS Ayvaci, Z Karaca, J Vlachy
Production and operations management 28 (3), 740-758, 2019
Cost-effectiveness of antibody-based induction therapy in deceased donor kidney transplantation in the United States
Z Gharibi, MUS Ayvaci, M Hahsler, T Giacoma, RS Gaston, B Tanriover
Transplantation 101 (6), 1234-1241, 2017
Cost-effectiveness of adjuvant FOLFOX and 5FU/LV chemotherapy for patients with stage II colon cancer
MUS Ayvaci, J Shi, O Alagoz, SJ Lubner
Medical Decision Making 33 (4), 521-532, 2013
A comprehensive methodology for determining the most informative mammographic features
Y Wu, O Alagoz, MUS Ayvaci, A Munoz del Rio, DJ Vanness, R Woods, ...
Journal of digital imaging 26, 941-947, 2013
Uncovering age-specific invasive and DCIS breast cancer rules using Inductive Logic Programming
H Nassif, D Page, M Ayvaci, J Shavlik, ES Burnside
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium, 76-82, 2010
Preference‐sensitive management of post‐mammography decisions in breast cancer diagnosis
MUS Ayvaci, O Alagoz, ME Ahsen, ES Burnside
Production and operations management 27 (12), 2313-2338, 2018
Induction regimen and survival in simultaneous heart-kidney transplant recipients
VK Ariyamuthu, AA Amin, MH Drazner, F Araj, PPA Mammen, M Ayvaci, ...
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 37 (5), 587-595, 2018
Simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation in liver transplant candidates with renal dysfunction: importance of creatinine levels, dialysis, and organ quality in survival
B Tanriover, MP MacConmara, J Parekh, C Arce, S Zhang, A Gao, A Mufti, ...
Kidney international reports 1 (4), 221-229, 2016
Uniformization in M arkov Decision Processes
O Alagoz, MUS Ayvaci
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2010
Impact of induction immunosuppression on patient survival in heart transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid in the current allocation era
AA Amin, FG Araj, VK Ariyamuthu, MH Drazner, MUS Ayvaci, ...
Clinical Transplantation 33 (8), e13651, 2019
Predicting invasive breast cancer versus DCIS in different age groups
MUS Ayvaci, O Alagoz, J Chhatwal, A Munoz del Rio, EA Sickles, ...
BMC cancer 14, 1-10, 2014
Effectiveness of casirivimab-imdevimab monoclonal antibody treatment among high-risk patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 B. 1.617. 2 (Delta variant …
MM Al-Obaidi, AB Gungor, S Nematollahi, TT Zangeneh, EJ Bedrick, ...
Open forum infectious diseases 9 (7), ofac186, 2022
Transplant physician and surgeon compensation: A sample framework accounting for nonbillable and value-based work
T Giacoma, MUS Ayvaci, RS Gaston, A Mejia, B Tanriover
American Journal of Transplantation 20 (3), 641-652, 2020
Designing Payment Contracts for Healthcare Services to Induce Information Sharing: The Adoption and the Value of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)
M Ayvaci, H Cavusoglu, Y Kim, S Raghunathan
MIS Quarterly 45 (2), 637-692, 2019
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Articles 1–20