Mattia Assanelli
Mattia Assanelli
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Cited by
Photon-timing jitter dependence on injection position in single-photon avalanche diodes
M Assanelli, A Ingargiola, I Rech, A Gulinatti, M Ghioni
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (2), 151-159, 2011
Avalanche buildup and propagation effects on photon-timing jitter in Si-SPAD with non-uniform electric field
A Ingargiola, M Assanelli, A Gallivanoni, I Rech, M Ghioni, S Cova
Advanced Photon Counting Techniques III 7320, 103-114, 2009
Modeling photon detection efficiency and temporal response of single photon avalanche diodes
A Gulinatti, I Rech, S Fumagalli, M Assanelli, M Ghioni, SD Cova
Photon Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information …, 2009
A physically based model for evaluating the photon detection efficiency and the temporal response of SPAD detectors
A Gulinatti, I Rech, M Assanelli, M Ghioni, S Cova
Journal of Modern Optics 58 (3-4), 210-224, 2011
Avalanche current measurements in SPADs by means of hot-carrier luminescence
A Ingargiola, M Assanelli, I Rech, A Gulinatti, M Ghioni
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (18), 1319-1321, 2011
Design-oriented simulation of the photon detection efficiency and temporal response of single photon avalanche diodes
A Gulinatti, I Rech, M Assanelli, M Ghioni, SD Cova
2009 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, 297-298, 2009
Timing enhanced silicon SPAD design
M Assanelli, A Gulinatti, I Rech, M Ghioni
2011 Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 197-198, 2011
Photon-timing jitter dependence on the injection position in single-photon avalanche diodes
M Assanelli, A Ingargiola, I Rech, A Gulinatti, M Ghioni
Advanced Photon Counting Techniques IV 7681, 112-122, 2010
PN junction avalanche modeling for high performance single photon detector array
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
2011 Index IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Vol. 47
AB Aceves, M Adams, JS Aitchison, MI Aksun, MC Amann, T Amemiya, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (12), 1, 2011
Buildup and propagation effects on photon timing jitter in silicon SPAD devices
M Assanelli, A Ingargiola, A Gallivanoni, I Rech, MA Ghioni, S Cova
NUSOD 2011 author index
F Acerbi, MJ Adams, U Aeberhard, U Akcakoca, R Akimoto, A Akrout, ...
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Articles 1–12