Ben R. Hodges
Ben R. Hodges
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Modeling basin‐scale internal waves in a stratified lake
BR Hodges, J Imberger, A Saggio, KB Winters
Limnology and oceanography 45 (7), 1603-1620, 2000
Modeling circulation in lakes: Spatial and temporal variations
B Laval, J Imberger, BR Hodges, R Stocker
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (3), 983-994, 2003
Estuary, lake and coastal ocean model: ELCOM
B Hodges, C Dallimore
Science Manual. Centre of Water Research. University of Western Australia, 2006
On simulation of turbulent nonlinear free-surface flows
BR Hodges, RL Street
Journal of Computational Physics 151 (2), 425-457, 1999
Geospatial representation of river channels
VM Merwade, DR Maidment, BR Hodges
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10 (3), 243-251, 2005
Impacts of hydrological change on phytoplankton succession in the Swan River, Western Australia
TU Chan, DP Hamilton, BJ Robson, BR Hodges, C Dallimore
16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, St. Pete …, 2001
Numerical error assessment and a temporal horizon for internal waves in a hydrostatic model
BR Hodges, B Laval, BM Wadzuk
Ocean modelling 13 (1), 44-64, 2006
Reducing numerical diffusion effects with pycnocline filter
B Laval, BR Hodges, J Imberger
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 129 (3), 215-224, 2003
Coupling an underflow model to a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model
CJ Dallimore, BR Hodges, J Imberger
Journal of hydraulic engineering 129 (10), 748-757, 2003
Applying microprocessor analysis methods to river network modelling
F Liu, BR Hodges
Environmental Modelling & Software 52, 234-252, 2014
Numerical techniques in CWR-ELCOM
BR Hodges
Technical Rep, 2000
Challenges in continental river dynamics
BR Hodges
Environmental modelling & software 50, 16-20, 2013
Channel‐island connectivity affects water exposure time distributions in a coastal river delta
M Hiatt, E Castañeda‐Moya, R Twilley, BR Hodges, P Passalacqua
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 2212-2232, 2018
Modeling a plunging underflow
CJ Dallimore, J Imberger, BR Hodges
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130 (11), 1068-1076, 2004
Modeling the hydrodynamics of stratified lakes
BR Hodges, J Imberger, B Laval, J Appt
Proceedings of Hydroinformatics 2000, 1-14, 2000
Numerical Techniques in CWR-ELCOM (code release v. 1)
BR Hodges
Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia 1422 (Technical …, 2000
High-performance computing in water resources hydrodynamics
M Morales-Hernández, MB Sharif, S Gangrade, TT Dullo, SC Kao, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 22 (5), 1217-1235, 2020
Comparison of supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation with dissolved oxygen dissipation and reaeration
R Li, BR Hodges, J Feng, X Yong
Journal of Environmental Engineering 139 (3), 385-390, 2013
Estuary and lake computer model: ELCOM science manual code version 2.0. 0
B Hodges, C Dallimore
Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, 2001
Experiment and simulation of supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation: Focus on the effect of confluence types
X Shen, R Li, BR Hodges, J Feng, H Cai, X Ma
Water research 155, 320-332, 2019
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Articles 1–20