Giovanni Conforti
Giovanni Conforti
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A formula for the time derivative of the entropic cost and applications
G Conforti, L Tamanini
Journal of Functional Analysis, 108964, 2021
Time reversal of diffusion processes under a finite entropy condition
P Cattiaux, G Conforti, I Gentil, C Léonard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07708, 2021
A second order equation for Schr\" odinger bridges with applications to the hot gas experiment and entropic transportation cost
G Conforti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04821, 2017
The mean field Schrödinger problem: ergodic behavior, entropy estimates and functional inequalities
J Backhoff, G Conforti, I Gentil, C Léonard
Probability Theory and Related Fields 178, 475-530, 2020
Measure-valued spline curves: An optimal transport viewpoint
Y Chen, G Conforti, TT Georgiou
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50 (6), 5947-5968, 2018
Reciprocal class of jump processes
G Conforti, P Dai Pra, S Rœlly
Journal of theoretical Probability 30 (2), 551-580, 2017
Score diffusion models without early stopping: finite Fisher information is all you need
G Conforti, A Durmus, MG Silveri
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12240, 2023
Hamilton--Jacobi equations for controlled gradient flows: the comparison principle
G Conforti, R Kraaij, D Tonon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13258, 2021
Game on random environment, mean-field Langevin system, and neural networks
G Conforti, A Kazeykina, Z Ren
Mathematics of Operations Research 48 (1), 78-99, 2023
On small-noise equations with degenerate limiting system arising from volatility models
G Conforti, S De Marco, JD Deuschel
Large deviations and asymptotic methods in finance, 473-505, 2015
Bridges of Markov counting processes. Reciprocal classes and duality formulas
G Conforti, C Léonard, R Murr, S Rœlly
Electronic Communications in Probability 20, 1-12, 2015
A probabilistic approach to convex (ϕ)-entropy decay for Markov chains
G Conforti
The Annals of Applied Probability 32 (2), 932-973, 2022
Mean Field Optimization Problem Regularized by Fisher Information
J Claisse, G Conforti, Z Ren, S Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.05938, 2023
Time reversal of Markov processes with jumps under a finite entropy condition
G Conforti, C Léonard
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 144, 85-124, 2022
Extremal flows in Wasserstein space
G Conforti, M Pavon
Journal of mathematical physics 59 (6), 2018
Gradient estimates for the Schr\" odinger potentials: convergence to the Brenier map and quantitative stability
A Chiarini, G Conforti, G Greco, L Tamanini
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.14262, 2022
Around the entropic Talagrand inequality
G Conforti, L Ripani
Bernoulli 26 (2), 1431-1452, 2020
Weak semiconvexity estimates for Schrödinger potentials and logarithmic Sobolev inequality for Schrödinger bridges
G Conforti
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 1-27, 2024
Coupling by reflection for controlled diffusion processes: Turnpike property and large time behavior of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations
G Conforti
The Annals of Applied Probability 33 (6A), 4608-4644, 2023
On the variational interpretation of local logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
G Clerc, G Conforti, I Gentil
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.05207, 2020
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Articles 1–20