Stefan Stürmer
Stefan Stürmer
Other namesStefan Sturmer, Stefan Stuermer
Professor of Social Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen
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Collective identification and social movement participation.
B Simon, M Loewy, S Stürmer, U Weber, P Freytag, C Habig, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (3), 646, 1998
Prosocial emotions and helping: the moderating role of group membership.
S Stürmer, M Snyder, AM Omoto
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (3), 532, 2005
Empathy-motivated helping: The moderating role of group membership
S Stürmer, M Snyder, A Kropp, B Siem
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (7), 943-956, 2006
Collective action: Towards a dual-pathway model
S Sturmer, B Simon
European review of social psychology 15 (1), 59-99, 2004
The role of collective identification in social movement participation: A panel study in the context of the German gay movement
S Stürmer, B Simon
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (3), 263-277, 2004
Pathways to collective protest: Calculation, identification, or emotion? A critical analysis of the role of group‐based anger in social movement participation
S Stürmer, B Simon
Journal of social issues 65 (4), 681-705, 2009
Respect for group members: Intragroup determinants of collective identification and group-serving behavior
B Simon, S Stürmer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 (2), 183-193, 2003
Helping individuals or group members? The role of individual and collective identification in AIDS volunteerism
B Simon, S Stürmer, K Steffens
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (4), 497-506, 2000
Sociodemographic diversity and distance education: Who drops out from academic programs and why?
K Stoessel, TA Ihme, ML Barbarino, B Fisseler, S Stürmer
Research in Higher Education 56, 228-246, 2015
The dual-pathway model of social movement participation: The case of the fat acceptance movement
S Stürmer, B Simon, M Loewy, H Jörger
Social Psychology Quarterly, 71-82, 2003
The psychology of prosocial behavior: Group processes, intergroup relations, and helping
S Stürmer, M Snyder
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
Psychological foundations of xenophilia: The role of major personality traits in predicting favorable attitudes toward cross-cultural contact and exploration.
S Stürmer, AEF Benbow, B Siem, M Barth, AN Bodansky, K Lotz-Schmitt
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (5), 832, 2013
Helping “us” versus “them.”
S Stürmer, M Snyder
The psychology of prosocial behavior, 33-58, 2009
S Stürmer
Utb, 2009
Die Kontakthypothese
S Stürmer
Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung, 283-291, 2008
Sozialpsychologie der Gruppe
S Stürmer, B Siem
UTB, 2022
Active citizenship: The role of community identification in community volunteerism and local participation
S Stürmer, C Kampmeier
Ubiquity Press 43 (1-2), 2003
In search of the active ingredient of respect: A closer look at the role of acceptance
B Simon, S Stürmer
European journal of social psychology 35 (6), 809-818, 2005
Intraorganizational respect and organizational participation: The mediating role of collective identity
S Stürmer, B Simon, MI Loewy
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 11 (1), 5-20, 2008
A group-level theory of helping and altruism within and across group boundaries
S Stürmer, B Siem
Intergroup helping, 103-127, 2017
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Articles 1–20