Florent Goussard
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Cited by
Alcidedorbignya inopinata, a basal pantodont (Placentalia, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene of Bolivia: anatomy, phylogeny and palaeobiology
C De Muizon, G Billet, C Argot, S Ladevèze, F Goussard
Geodiversitas 37 (4), 397-634, 2015
Limb‐bone histology of temnospondyls: implications for understanding the diversification of palaeoecologies and patterns of locomotion of Permo‐Triassic tetrapods
S Sanchez, D Germain, A De Ricqlès, A Abourachid, F Goussard, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 23 (10), 2076-2090, 2010
Allqokirus australis (Sparassodonta, Metatheria) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia) and the rise of the metatherian carnivorous radiation in South America
C De Muizon, S Ladevèze, C Selva, R Vignaud, F Goussard
Geodiversitas 40 (3), 363-459, 2018
Ocepeia (Middle Paleocene of Morocco): The Oldest Skull of an Afrotherian Mammal
E Gheerbrant, M Amaghzaz, B Bouya, F Goussard, C Letenneur
PLoS One 9 (2), e89739, 2014
Calcium and vitamin D have a synergistic role in a rat model of kidney stone disease
E Letavernier, C Verrier, F Goussard, J Perez, L Huguet, JP Haymann, ...
Kidney International 90 (4), 809-817, 2016
New finite element study protocol: clinical simulation of orthodontic tooth movement
A Bouton, Y Simon, F Goussard, L Teresi, V Sansalone
International orthodontics 15 (2), 165-179, 2017
Presence of plicidentine in the oral teeth of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith 1939 (Sarcopterygii; Actinistia)
FJ Meunier, J Mondéjar-Fernández, F Goussard, G Clément, M Herbin
Journal of structural biology 190 (1), 31-37, 2015
Do the ornamented osteoderms influence the heat conduction through the skin? A finite element analysis in Crocodylomorpha
F Clarac, F Goussard, L Teresi, V Buffrénil, V Sansalone
Journal of Thermal Biology 69, 39-53, 2017
Redescription of the wrist and manus of? Bothriospondylus madagascariensis: new data on carpus morphology in Sauropoda
É Läng, F Goussard
Geodiversitas 29 (4), 549-560, 2007
Vertebrate paleobiodiversity of the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Angeac-Charente Lagerstätte (southwestern France): implications for continental faunal turnover at the J/K …
R Allain, R Vullo, L Rozada, J Anquetin, R Bourgeais, J Goedert, ...
Geodiversitas 44 (25), 683-752, 2022
The function (s) of bone ornamentation in the crocodylomorph osteoderms: a biomechanical model based on a finite element analysis
F Clarac, F Goussard, V de Buffrénil, V Sansalone
Paleobiology 45 (1), 182-200, 2019
Presence of plicidentine in the oral teeth of Latimeria chalumnae (Sarcopterygii; Actinistia; Coelacanthidae)
FJ Meunier, J MOnDÉJar-FernanDeZ, F Goussard, G Clément, M Herbin
Journal of Structural Biology 190 (1), 31-37, 2015
The status of Mastodon angustidens pygmaeus Depéret, 1897 (Proboscidea, Mammalia): the contribution of X-ray tomography
P Tassy, F Goussard, MG Sanz
Geobios 46 (4), 329-334, 2013
The skull of Triceratops in the palaeontology gallery, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris
F Goussard
Geodiversitas 28 (3), 467-476, 2006
Mazan, and Tournepiche, J.-F.: Vertebrate paleobiodiversity of the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Angeac-Charente Lagerstätte (southwestern France): implications for continental …
R Allain, R Vullo, L Rozada, J Anquetin, R Bourgeais, J Goedert, ...
Geodiversitas 44, 683-752, 0
A new protocol to accurately track long–term orthodontic tooth movement and support patient-specific numerical modeling
G Dot, R Licha, F Goussard, V Sansalone
Journal of Biomechanics 129, 110760, 2021
Les techniques d’imagerie 3D au service de la valorisation scientifiques des collections anatomiques
M Herbin, V Dupret, F Goussard, G Clément
La Lettre de l’OCIM. Musées, Patrimoine et Culture scientifiques et …, 2010
Finite element analysis: A promising tool for the reconstruction of extinct vertebrate graviportal taxa. A preliminary study based on the metacarpal arrangement of Elephas maximus
F Goussard, D Germain, C Delmer, K Moreno
Comptes Rendus Palevol 9 (6-7), 455-461, 2010
Etude morpho-fonctionnelle de la main des dinosaures sauropodomorphes: implications évolutives et apport de l'analyse en éléments finis
F Goussard
Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2009
Clinical and numerical study of a statically determinate lingual mechanism for orthodontic tooth displacement
G Dot, R Licha, F Goussard, V Sansalone
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (sup1), S85-S87, 2020
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Articles 1–20