Metal-insulator transition driven by vacancy ordering in GeSbTe phase change materials V Bragaglia, F Arciprete, W Zhang, AM Mio, E Zallo, K Perumal, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23843, 2016
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109 2018 Tracing the two-to three-dimensional transition in the InAs/GaAs (001) heteroepitaxial growth F Patella, S Nufris, F Arciprete, M Fanfoni, E Placidi, A Sgarlata, ...
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90 2003 Graphene oxide nanoplatforms to enhance catalytic performance of iron phthalocyanine for oxygen reduction reaction in bioelectrochemical systems MAC de Oliveira, B Mecheri, A D'Epifanio, E Placidi, F Arciprete, ...
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Applied physics letters 88 (16), 2006
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54 2017 Kinetic aspects of the morphology of self-assembled InAs quantum dots on GaAs (001) F Patella, M Fanfoni, F Arciprete, S Nufris, E Placidi, A Balzarotti
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52 2001 InAs/GaAs (001) epitaxy: kinetic effects in the two-dimensional to three-dimensional transition E Placidi, F Arciprete, M Fanfoni, F Patella, E Orsini, A Balzarotti
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51 2007 Self-assembly of InAs and Si/Ge quantum dots on structured surfaces F Patella, A Sgarlata, F Arciprete, S Nufris, PD Szkutnik, E Placidi, ...
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51 2004 How kinetics drives the two-to three-dimensional transition in semiconductor strained heterostructures: The case of InAs∕ GaAs (001) F Arciprete, E Placidi, V Sessi, M Fanfoni, F Patella, A Balzarotti
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41 2007 Temperature dependence of the size distribution function of InAs quantum dots on GaAs (001) F Arciprete, M Fanfoni, F Patella, A Della Pia, A Balzarotti, E Placidi
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35 2019 Modulation of van der Waals and classical epitaxy induced by strain at the Si step edges in GeSbTe alloys E Zallo, S Cecchi, JE Boschker, AM Mio, F Arciprete, S Privitera, ...
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