Christopher Rushton
Christopher Rushton
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Cited by
Air Pollution Exposure in Relation to the Commute to School: A Bradford UK Case Study
KN Dirks, JYT Wang, A Khan, C Rushton
A novel method for comparing passenger car fleets and identifying high-chance gross emitting vehicles using kerbside remote sensing data
CE Rushton, JE Tate, SP Shepherd
Science of The Total Environment 750, 142088, 2021
Inter-Instrument Comparison of Remote Sensing Devices and a New Method For Calculating On Road NOx Emissions and Validation of Vehicle Specific Power
CE Rushton, JE Tate, SP Shepherd, DC Carslaw
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2017
Detecting candidate high NOx emitting light commercial vehicles using vehicle emission remote sensing
Z Yang, JE Tate, CE Rushton, E Morganti, SP Shepherd
Science of The Total Environment 823, 153699, 2022
Key Green Performance Indicators (KGPIs) for vehicle cleanliness evaluation: A buyer choice
Z Yang, MCP Poo, F Galatioto, D Dimitriu, Z Qu, C Rushton, PT Lee, ...
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 87, 102505, 2020
City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
C Rushton, F Galatioto, J Wright, E Nielsen, C Tsotskas
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12 (9), 1181-1188, 2018
Road Transport and Air Quality
CR C Carter
Walking school bus line routing for efficiency, health and walkability: A multi‐objective optimisation approach
JYT Wang, Z Wu, Y Kang, E Brown, M Wen, C Rushton, M Ehrgott
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 30 (3-4), 109-131, 2023
Measuring and Modelling Vehicle NOx Emissions Using a Remote Sensing Device
CE Rushton
University of Leeds, 2016
Change Detection of Air Quality Time-Series Using the R Package Aqeval
K Ropkins, A Walker, I Philips, C Rushton, T Clark, J Tate
Available at SSRN 4267722, 0
Prioritizing Vehicle Cleanliness (PVC) using Key Green Performance Indicators (KGPI)
MCP Poo, D Dimitriu, Z Qu, F Galatioto, C Rushton, P Lee, Z Yang
Proceedings of PROLOG 2018, 2018
Prioritizing Vehicle Cleanliness (PVC) Using Key Green Performance Indicators
MCP Poo, D Dimitriu, Z Qu, F Galatioto, CE Rushton, PT Lee, Z Yang
ProLog Conference, 2018
The ACCRA Project. Importance of Accuracy in Vehicle Emissions Estimation for Urban Dynamic Geofencing
F Galatioto, C Rushton, J Wright, CO Neill, F Robson, A Jeanjean
Transport Research Arena, 2018
A New Method for Modelling Passenger Cars Accounting for Cross-Fleet Stochastic Variation of Nox Emissions in an Urban Environment Using Remote Sensing Device Data
CE Rushton, JE Tate, SP Shepherd
Transport and Air Pollution 2017, 2017
Measuring and comparing taxi emissions with privately owned vehicles in an urban environment using a remote sensing device
JE Tate, C Rushton
20th International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, 2014
NH3 in Oph A: Studying the small-scale temperature structure in a cluster-forming core
R Friesen, T Bourke, J di Francesco, P Myers, P Caselli, C Rushton
ATNF Proposal, C2322, 2010
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Articles 1–16