Michael Boyer O'Leary
Cited by
Cited by
The spatial, temporal, and configurational characteristics of geographic dispersion in teams
MB O'Leary, JN Cummings
MIS quarterly, 433-452, 2007
Multiple team membership: A theoretical model of its effects on productivity and learning for individuals and teams
MB O'leary, M Mortensen, AW Woolley
Academy of Management Review 36 (3), 461-478, 2011
Go (con) figure: Subgroups, imbalance, and isolates in geographically dispersed teams
MB O'Leary, M Mortensen
Organization science 21 (1), 115-131, 2010
Perceived proximity in virtual work: Explaining the paradox of far-but-close
JM Wilson, M Boyer O'Leary, A Metiu, QR Jett
Organization studies 29 (7), 979-1002, 2008
Beyond being there
MB O’Leary, JM Wilson, A Metiu
MIS quarterly 38 (4), 1219-1244, 2014
Distributed work over the centuries: Trust and control in the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1826
M O’Leary, W Orlikowski, JA Yates
Conditions enabling effective multiple team membership
M Mortensen, AW Woolley, M O’Leary
Virtuality and Virtualization: Proceedings of the International Federation …, 2007
Multiteam membership in relation to multiteam systems
MB O’Leary, AW Woolley, M Mortensen
Multiteam systems, 141-172, 2012
Subjective distance in teams
JM Wilson, MB O’Leary, A Metiu, Q Jett
INSEAD Working Paper Series, 2005
Subgroups with attitude: Imbalance and isolation in geographically dispersed teams
M O’Leary, M Mortensen
Academy of Management Conference, 2005
The industry settings of leading organizational research: the role of economic and non‐economic factors
MB O'Leary, BA Almond
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009
Managing a Virtual team
M Mortensen, M O’Leary
Harvard business review, 2012
How many teams should we manage at once? The effect of multiple team membership, collaborative technologies, and polychronicity on team performance
F Bertolotti, E Mattarelli, M Mortensen, M O'Leary, V Incerti
Working together effectively before it all goes downhill
MB O'Leary, MAK MOrTENSEN, AW Woolley
IESE Insight 6, 50-56, 2010
Geographic dispersion in teams: Its history, experience, measurement, and change
MB O'Leary
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
Geographic dispersion in teams: The interplay of theory and methods
MB O'Leary, JN Cummings
Unpublished, 2004
Information systems for symbolic action: Social media and beyond: Beyond being there: The symbolic role of communication and identification in perceptions of proximity to …
MB O'Leary, JM Wilson, A Metiu
MIS Quarterly 38 (4), 1219-1244, 2014
The spatial, temporal, and configurational characteristics of geographic dispersion in work teams
J Cummings, M O’Leary
Meeting of the academy of management, denver, CO, 2002
Friends and Enemies Within: The Roles of Subgroups, Imbalance, and Isolates in Geographically Dispersed Teams
MB O'Leary
SSRN, 2012
The meaning and experience of distance and proximity in teams
Q Jett, A Metiu, M O’Leary, J Wilson
IDEP-LEST-GREQAM-Groupe de Recherche Dynamiques de proximité, 14, rue Puvis …, 2004
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Articles 1–20