Rachel E. Hewitt
Rachel E. Hewitt
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge
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High prevalence of autoreactive, neuroantigen-specific CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis revealed by novel flow cytometric assay
MP Crawford, SX Yan, SB Ortega, RS Mehta, RE Hewitt, DA Price, ...
blood 103 (11), 4222-4231, 2004
The bisphosphonate acute phase response: rapid and copious production of proinflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood gd T cells in response to aminobisphosphonates is …
RE Hewitt, A Lissina, AE Green, ES Slay, DA Price, AK Sewell
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 139 (1), 101-111, 2005
Formulation of metal–organic framework-based drug carriers by controlled coordination of methoxy PEG phosphate: boosting colloidal stability and redispersibility
X Chen, Y Zhuang, N Rampal, R Hewitt, G Divitini, CA O’Keefe, X Liu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (34), 13557-13572, 2021
High incidence of spontaneous disease in an HLA-DR15 and TCR transgenic multiple sclerosis model
S Ellmerich, M Mycko, K Takacs, H Waldner, FN Wahid, RJ Boyton, ...
The Journal of Immunology 174 (4), 1938-1946, 2005
Recognition of nonpeptide antigens by human Vγ9Vδ2 T cells requires contact with cells of human origin
AE Green, A Lissina, SL Hutchinson, RE Hewitt, B Temple, D James, ...
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 136 (3), 472-482, 2004
An endogenous nanomineral chaperones luminal antigen and peptidoglycan to intestinal immune cells
JJ Powell, E Thomas-McKay, V Thoree, J Robertson, RE Hewitt, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (4), 361-369, 2015
Non-functionalized ultrasmall silica nanoparticles directly and size-selectively activate T cells
B Vis, RE Hewitt, N Faria, C Bastos, H Chappell, L Pele, R Jugdaohsingh, ...
ACS nano 12 (11), 10843-10854, 2018
Small and dangerous? Potential toxicity mechanisms of common exposure particles and nanoparticles
RE Hewitt, HF Chappell, JJ Powell
Current opinion in toxicology 19, 93-98, 2020
Infection with the sheep gastrointestinal nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta increases luminal pathobionts
A Cortés, J Wills, X Su, RE Hewitt, J Robertson, R Scotti, DRG Price, ...
Microbiome 8, 1-15, 2020
MHC class I molecules with superenhanced CD8 binding properties bypass the requirement for cognate TCR recognition and nonspecifically activate CTLs
L Wooldridge, M Clement, A Lissina, ESJ Edwards, K Ladell, J Ekeruche, ...
The Journal of Immunology, ji_0902398, 2010
Gastrointestinal absorption and toxicity of nanoparticles and microparticles: myth, reality and pitfalls explored through titanium dioxide
AB da Silva, M Miniter, W Thom, RE Hewitt, J Wills, R Jugdaohsingh, ...
Current opinion in toxicology 19, 112-120, 2020
Immuno-inhibitory PD-L1 can be induced by a peptidoglycan/NOD2 mediated pathway in primary monocytic cells and is deficient in Crohn's patients with homozygous NOD2 mutations.
RE Hewitt, LC Pele, M Tremelling, A Metz, M Parkes, JJ Powell
Clinical immunology 143 (2), 162-169, 2012
Intestinal APCs of the endogenous nanomineral pathway fail to express PD-L1 in Crohn’s disease
J Robertson, CT Haas, LC Pele, TP Monie, C Charalambos, M Parkes, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 26747, 2016
Inter-laboratory automation of the in vitro micronucleus assay using imaging flow cytometry and deep learning
JW Wills, JR Verma, BJ Rees, DSG Harte, Q Haxhiraj, CM Barnes, ...
Archives of toxicology 95, 3101-3115, 2021
Imaging flow cytometry assays for quantifying pigment grade titanium dioxide particle internalization and interactions with immune cells in whole blood
RE Hewitt, B Vis, LC Pele, N Faria, JJ Powell
Cytometry Part A 91 (10), 1009-1020, 2017
Ultrasmall silica nanoparticles directly ligate the T cell receptor complex
B Vis, RE Hewitt, TP Monie, C Fairbairn, SD Turner, SD Kinrade, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (1), 285-291, 2020
Pro-inflammatory adjuvant properties of pigment-grade titanium dioxide particles are augmented by a genotype that potentiates interleukin 1β processing
S Riedle, LC Pele, DE Otter, RE Hewitt, H Singh, NC Roy, JJ Powell
Particle and fibre toxicology 14, 1-12, 2017
A murine oral‐exposure model for nano‐and micro‐particulates: demonstrating human relevance with food‐grade titanium dioxide
S Riedle, JW Wills, M Miniter, DE Otter, H Singh, AP Brown, ...
Small 16 (21), 2000486, 2020
Image‐based cell profiling enables quantitative tissue microscopy in gastroenterology
JW Wills, J Robertson, HD Summers, M Miniter, C Barnes, RE Hewitt, ...
Cytometry Part A 97 (12), 1222-1237, 2020
Synthetic mimetics of the endogenous gastrointestinal nanomineral: Silent constructs that trap macromolecules for intracellular delivery
LC Pele, CT Haas, RE Hewitt, J Robertson, J Skepper, A Brown, ...
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 13 (2), 619-630, 2017
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Articles 1–20