Hyungsin Kim
Hyungsin Kim
Assistant Professor, Kookmin University
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Effective virtual patient simulators for medical communication training: a systematic review
J Lee, H Kim, KH Kim, D Jung, T Jowsey, CS Webster
Medical education 54 (9), 786-795, 2020
WiiArts: Creating collaborative art experience with WiiRemote interaction
HJ Lee, H Kim, G Gupta, A Mazalek
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2008
Computational clock drawing analysis for cognitive impairment screening
H Kim, YS Cho, EYL Do
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on tangible, embedded, and …, 2010
Home-based computerized cognitive assessment tool for dementia screening
J O'Donoghue, R Wichert, M Divitini, H Kim, CP Hsiao, EYL Do
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 4 (5), 429-442, 2012
Connected chemistry—A study of secondary students using agent-based models to learn chemistry
ST Levy, H Kim, U Wilensky
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego …, 2004
The ClockMe system: computer-assisted screening tool for dementia.
H Kim
Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
In distrust of merits: The negative effects of astroturfs on people’s prosocial behaviors
J Kang, H Kim, H Chu, CH Cho, H Kim
Social and Environmental Issues in Advertising, 145-158, 2018
Grocery hunter: a fun mobile game for children to combat obesity
H Kim, A Kogan, C Dasgupta, MM Novitzky, EYL Do
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and …, 2010
Factors related to children’s tooth-brushing at different ages: an application of the theory of planned behavior
J Lee, DH Han, H Kim, SY Park
Psychology, Health & Medicine 26 (2), 228-241, 2021
Context-bounded refinement filter algorithm: Improving recognizer accuracy of handwriting in clock drawing test
H Kim, YS Cho, EYL Do
Workshops at the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2010
Automated Clock Drawing Test through Machine Learning and Geometric Analysis.
A Guha, H Kim, EYL Do
DMS, 311-314, 2010
CB Rébola
Designed technologies for healthy aging, 2015
Games for health: Design cognition-focused interventions to enhance mental activity
H Kim, V Sapre, EYL Do
HCI International 2011–Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2011
Using pen-based computing in technology for health
H Kim, YS Cho, EYL Do
Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications: 14th International …, 2011
객체지향형 교육용프로그래밍언어 두리틀의 다중 예약어 지원 체계
최해심, 권대용, 김형신, 염용철, 유승욱, 이원규
컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 8 (2), 23-32, 2005
Curved-straight lines-analysis (CSLA) algorithm for handwritten digit recognition enhancement
YS Cho, H Kim, EYL Do
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Interactive …, 2010
Learning sciences principles for advanced e-learning systems: implications for computer-assisted language learning
MJ Jacobson, Y Kim, J Lee, H Kim, S Kwon
Multimedia Assisted Language Learning 8 (1), 76-115, 2005
컴퓨터과학 교육을 중심으로 한 중등 컴퓨팅 교육과정 설계
신상국, 권대용, 김형신, 염용철, 유승욱, 이원규
컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 8 (3), 61-76, 2005
보건 의료 계열 임상 교육에서 가상현실 및 햅틱 기술 활용 가능성 탐색 및 사례 분석
이지현, 김형신
한국교육공학회 학술대회발표자료집 2017 (1), 55-56, 2017
Effects of technology-based support for explanation construction on learners' discourse during design-based learning in science
S Vattam, C Kramer, H Kim
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2007
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Articles 1–20