Ellen van Oost
Ellen van Oost
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Cited by
Materialized gender: How shavers configure the users’ femininity and masculinity
E Van Oost
Community energy storage: A responsible innovation towards a sustainable energy system?
BP Koirala, E van Oost, H van der Windt
Applied energy 231, 570-585, 2018
From innovation community to community innovation: User-initiated innovation in wireless Leiden
E Van Oost, S Verhaegh, N Oudshoorn
Science, Technology, & Human Values 34 (2), 182-205, 2009
Grassroots digital fabrication and makerspaces: Reconfiguring, relocating and recalibrating innovation?
A Smith, S Hielscher, S Dickel, J Soderberg, E van Oost
University of Sussex, SPRU Working Paper SWPS 2, 2013
Gender in the design of the digital city of Amsterdam
E Rommes, E Van Oost, N Oudshoorn
Virtual Gender, 241-261, 2005
Innovative junctions: office technologies in the Netherlands, 1880-1980
O De Wit, JCM van den Ende, J Schot, E Van Oost
Technology and Culture 43 (1), 50-72, 2002
Towards a sociological understanding of robots as companions
E Van Oost, D Reed
Human-Robot Personal Relationships: Third International Conference, HRPR …, 2011
Diversity and distributed agency in the design and use of medical video-communication technologies
NEJ Oudshoorn, MLM Brouns, ECJ van Oost
Inside the politics of technology. Agency and normativity in the co …, 2005
Making the Computer Masculine.
E Van Oost
Woman, Work and Computerization, 9-16, 2000
How local energy initiatives develop technological innovations: Growing an actor network
EC Van der Waal, HJ Van der Windt, ECJ Van Oost
Sustainability 10 (12), 4577, 2018
Community energy storage: Governance and business models
BP Koirala, RA Hakvoort, EC van Oost, HJ van der Windt
Consumer, prosumer, prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the …, 2019
Futures of science with and for society: towards transformative policy orientations
E van Oost, S Kuhlmann, G Ordóñez-Matamoros, P Stegmaier
Foresight 18 (3), 276-296, 2016
De wederzijdse beïnvloeding van technologie en maatschappij: een Technology Assessment-benadering
WA Smit, ECJ van Oost
Couthino, 1999
Over" vrouwelijke" en" mannelijke" dingen
ECJ van Oost
Vrouwenstudies in de jaren negentig. Een kennismaking vanuit verschillende …, 1995
The social construction of technological artefacts: Problems and perspectives of the study of science and technology in Europe
WE Bijker, J Bonig, E van Oost
Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsforschung: interdisziplinäres Organ für …, 1984
Nieuwe functies, nieuwe verschillen: Genderprocessen in de constructie van de nieuwe automatiseringsfuncties 1955-1970
ECJ van Oost
Innovation in civil society: The socio-material dynamics of a community innovation
S Verhaegh, E Van Oost, N Oudshoorn
The new production of users, 193-218, 2016
Designing inclusion-the development of ict products to include women in the information society
EWM Rommes, IA van Slooten, I van Slooten, ECJ van Oost, ...
University of Twente, 2004
Innovation dynamics of socio-technical alignment in community energy storage: The cases of drten and ecovat
BP Koirala, E van Oost, H van der Windt
Energies 13 (11), 2955, 2020
Being a better neighbor: A value-based perspective on negotiating acceptability of locally-owned wind projects
EC van der Waal, HJ van der Windt, R Botma, ECJ van Oost
Sustainability 12 (21), 8767, 2020
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